The total charge-changing cross sections and partial cross sections for the production of projectile fragments are measured in the interactions of 400 A MeV 20 Ne with aluminum,carbon and polyethylene targets sandwiched with CR-39 plastic nuclear track detectors.The measured total charge-changing cross sections are compared with the predictions using the Bradt-Peters semi-empirical formula,and the NUCFRAG2 and PHITS models.It is shown that the measured experimental results are in good agreement with the theoretical model prediction and other experimental results,and it can be clearly seen that the partial cross sections for fragment production show obvious odd-even effects.
Two-particle (two-fragment) azimuthal correlation functions are studied by using a simple formula which describes uniformly azimuthal distributions of final-state charged particles and nuclear fragments. This formula is obtained in the framework of a multi-source thermal model (or multi-source ideal gas model). The calculated results are compared and found to be in agreement with the experimental data of charged hadrons and nuclear fragments in nucleus-nucleus collisions at intermediate and high energies.
The multiplicity distribution, multiplicity moment, scaled variance, entropy and reduced entropy of target evaporated fragments emitted in forward and backward hemispheres in 12 A GeV ^4He, 3.7 A GeV ^16O, 60 A GeV ^16O, 1.7 A GeV ^84Kr and 10.7 A GeV ^197Au -induced emulsion heavy target (AgBr) interactions are investigated. It is found that the multiplicity distribution of target evaporated fragments emitted in both forward and backward hemispheres can be fitted by a Gaussian distribution. The multiplicity moments of target evaporated particles emitted in the forward and backward hemispheres increase with the order of the moment q, and the secondorder multiplicity moment is energy independent over the entire energy range for all the interactions in the forward and backward hemisphere. The scaled variance, a direct measure of multiplicity fluctuations, is close to one for all the interactions, which indicate a correlation among the produced particles. The entropy of target evaporated fragments emitted in both forward and backward hemispheres are the same within experimental errors.