The brief report presents a part of the research results of the magnetospheric physics researches in China during the period of 2006—2008.During the past two years,China-ESA co-operation DSP(Double Star Program) satellites were basically operating normally in its extended lifetime.The DSP and Cluster missions provide Chinese space physicists high quality data to study multi-scale physical process in the magnetosphere.The work made based on the data of DSP is presented in the paper of "Progress of Double Star Program" of this issue.
Using the east-west geomagnetic disturbance fields observed from stations at mid-latitudes,we investigate the characteristics of field-aligned currents on the nightside during the April 6,2000 superstorm.The results indicate that there is an eastward disturbance on the nightside of Northern Hemisphere during the main phase of magnetic storm,while the interplanetary magnetic field(IMF)is continued southward.The positive disturbances in the postmidnight are larger than that in the premidnight.This suggests that upward field-aligned currents develop on the nightside,when the IMF is directed southward.The peak of upward fieldaligned currents is located in postmidnight,and it will be more obvious at substorm expansion.We get the conclusion that both partial ring current and region-2 field-aligned current shift to dusk sector.The upward region-2 current is decreased at substorm onset,and intensified after it.We also investigate the relationship between the upward field-aligned currents on the nightside and the auroral electrojets at high latitudes.It shows a good correspondence between region-2 current and the westward electrojet in the postmidnight.We suppose that they are both associated with the convection electric field.
WANG YuanHONG MingHuaCHEN GengXiongXU WenYaoDU AiMinZHAO XuDongLIU XiaoCanLUO Hao
Using the minute data of the H component of geomagnetic field from the 20°E magnetic meridian chain and the 30...
WU YingYan~(1+),XU WenYao~1,CHEN GengXiong~1,CHEN Bo~(1,2) & LIU XiaoCan~(1,2) 1 Institute of Geology and Geophysics,Chinese Academy of Sciences,Beijing 100029,China
对NOAA的POES系列极轨卫星观测得到的1978年以来近30年的极光沉降粒子半球能量的估算值EPI(Estimated Power Input)数据进行了分析,结果表明,极光沉降粒子有显著的春秋分峰值的年变化特征,并且有冬季半球沉降能量较大的南北半球不对称性.对EPI的时均值Pa与地磁指数AE、D_(st)的相关分析得到.Pa与AE的相关系数为0.76,Pa与D_(st)的相关系数为-0.55.把南北半球的时均值SPa,NPa数据分别与AE,D_(st)指数做相关,发现SPa与AE的相关性稍高于NPa的,SPa和NPa与D_(st)的相关性近似.当时延τ=0时,AE与Pa的相关最好,表明全球极光沉降粒子和极光电集流的变化同步;当D_(st)滞后于Pa,时延τ=1~2 h,Pa与D_(st)的相关最好,并且时延τ为6~8 h,Pa与D_(st)的相关都好于无时延的水平.