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25 条 记 录,以下是 1-10
Glacier Changes during the Past 40 Years in the West Kunlun Shan被引量:11
Recent studies on glaciers in the West Kunlun Shan, northwest Tibetan Plateau, have shown that they may be stable or retreating slightly. Here, we assess changes in the mass of the glaciers in the West Kunlun Shan(WKS) in an attempt to understand the processes that control their behavior. Glaciers over the recent 40 years(1970-2010) have shrunk 3.4±3.1%in area, based on a comparison between two Chinese glacier inventories. Variations of surface elevations, derived from ICESat-GLAS(Ice, Cloud, and Land Elevation Satellite-Geoscience Laser Altimeter System) elevation products(GLA14 data) using the robust linear-fit method, indicate that the glaciers have been gaining mass at a rate of 0.23±0.24 m w.e./a since 2003. The annual mass budget for the whole WKS range from 2003 to 2009 is estimated to be 0.71±0.62 Gt/a. This gain trend is confirmed by MOD10A1 albedo for the WKS region which shows a descent of the mean snowline altitude from 2003 to 2009.
BAO Wei-jiaLIU Shi-yinWEI Jun-fengGUO Wan-qin
Heterogeneity in supraglacial debris thickness and its role in glacier mass changes of the Mount Gongga被引量:13
In the Tibetan Plateau, many glaciers have extensive covers of supraglacial debris in their ablation zones, which affects glacier response to climate change by altering ice melting and spatial patterns of mass loss. Insufficient debris thickness data make it difficult to analyze regional debris-cover effects. Maritime glaciers of the Mount Gongga have been characterized by a substantial reduction in glacier area and ice mass in recent decades. The thermal property of the debris layer estimated from remotely sensed data reveals that debris-covered glaciers are dominant in this region, on which the proportion of debris cover to total glacier area varies from 1.74% to 53.0%. Using a physically-based debris-cover effect assessment model, we found that although the presence of supraglacial debris has a significant insulating effect on heavily debris-covered glaciers, il accelerates ice melting on -10.2% of total ablation zone and produces rapid wastage of -25% of the debris-covered glaciers, leading to the similar mass losses between the debris-covered and debris-free glaciers. Widespread debris cover also facilitates the development of active terminus regions. Regional differences in debris-cover effects are apparent, highlighting the im- portance of debris cover for understanding glacier mass changes in the Tibetan Plateau and other mountain ranges around the world.
Glacier change in the western Nyainqentanglha Range,Tibetan Plateau using historical maps and Landsat imagery:1970-2014被引量:5
Glaciers in the western Nyainqentanglha Range are an important source of water for social and economic development. Changes in their area were derived from two Chinese glacier inventories; one from the 197o 1:5o,ooo scale Chinese Topographic Maps series and the other from Landsat TM/ETM+ images acquired in 2009. Analyses also included boundaries from 2000 and 2014 Landsat TM/ETM+ images. A continuing and accelerating shrinkage of glaciers occurred here from 1970 to 2014, with glacier area decreasing by 244.38±29.48 km^2 (27.4%±3.3%) or 0.62%±0.08% a^-1. While this is consistent with a changing climate, local topographic parameters, such as altitude, slope, aspect and debris cover, are also important influences. Recession is manifested by a rise in the elevation of the glacier terminus. The shrinkage of glaciers with NE, N and NW orientations exceeded that of other aspects, and glaciers with SE and S orientations experienced less shrinkage. Changes in the average positive difference of glaciation (PDG) show that the western Nyainqentanglha Range has unfavorable conditions for glacier maintenance which is being exacerbated by a warming climate since 1970.
WU Kun-pengLIU Shi-yinGUO Wan-qinWEI Jun-fengXU Jun-liBAO Wei-jiaYAO Xiao-jun
利用Landsat TM/ETM+及OLI遥感影像,通过比值阈值法和目视解译法提取冰川边界,分析了1993-2015年喀喇昆仑山努布拉流域的冰川变化特征。结果表明:(1)冰川面积萎缩103.24 km2,占冰川总面积的4.64%,年均萎缩率为0.20%。与青藏高原其他地区相比,研究区冰川萎缩幅度较小。气温升高是冰川面积萎缩的主要因素。(2)规模≤0.1 km2的冰川面积萎缩幅度最大,规模较大的冰川萎缩幅度相对较小。(3)不同朝向的冰川均处于萎缩状态,北朝向冰川萎缩率最大,因为北朝向多为小规模冰川,而东朝向冰川的萎缩率最小。(4)有9条冰川末端发生前进现象。
使用光学图像进行表碛覆盖型冰川边界判断相对比较困难。采用日本高级陆地观测卫星(ALOS)携带的L波段相控阵型合成孔径雷达(PALSAR)数据的干涉相干对表碛覆盖型冰川边界进行判断,并使用ALOS PALSAR数据的特征匹配方法获得表面流速进行验证分析,发现公格尔山区5Y663D0009冰川表碛覆盖区呈现高相干性且运动速度十分缓慢,表明该表碛区域可能已经演化成非活动区;而该冰川中碛覆盖区则表现出低相干性,运动速度比较高(5 m/a),表明相干性是有效的判断依据,利用PALSAR数据相干性及获得的表面流速可以区分表碛覆盖型冰川活动与非活动区域,使气候波动情景下该类型冰川的动态变化监测成为可能并对该方法的可靠性与不确定性进行了探讨。
Glacier changes since the early 1960s, eastern Pamir, China被引量:14
Glaciers in the eastern Pamir are important for water resources and the social and economic development of the region.In the last 50 years,these glaciers have shrunk and lost ice mass due to climate change.In order to understand recent glacier dynamics in the region,a new inventory was compiled from Landsat TM/ETM+ images acquired in2009,free of clouds and with minimal snow cover on the glacierized mountains.The first glacier inventory of the area was also updated by digitizing glacier outlines from topographical maps that had been modified and verified using aerial photographs.Total glacier area decreased by 10.8%±1.1%,mainly attributed to an increase in air temperature,although precipitation,glacier size and topographic features also combined to affect the general shrinkage of the glaciers.The 19.3–21.4 km^3 estimated glacier mass loss has contributed to an increase in river runoff and water resources.
ZHANG ZhenXU Jun-liLIU Shi-yinGUO Wan-qinWEI Jun-fengFENG Tong
Moraine-dammed glacial lake changes during the recent 40 years in the Poiqu River Basin,Himalayas
Glacier retreat is not only a symbol of temperature and precipitation change, but a dominating factor of glacial lake changes in alpine regions, which are of wide concern for high risk of potential outburst floods. Of all types of glacial lakes, moraine-dammed lakes may be the most dangerous to local residents in mountain regions. Thus, we monitored the dy- namics of 12 moraine-dammed glacial lakes from 1974 to 2014 in the Poiqu River Basin of central west Himalayas, as well as their associated glaciers with a combination of remote sensing, topographic maps and digital elevation models (DEMs). Our results indicate that all monitored moraine-dammed glacial lakes have expanded by 7.46 km2 in total while the glaciers retreated by a total of 15.29 km2 correspondingly. Meteorological analysis indicates a warming and drying trend in the Nyalam region from 1974 to 2014, which accelerated glacier retreat and then augmented the supply of moraine-dammed glacial lakes from glacier melt. Lake volume and water depth changed from 1974 to 2014 which indicates that lakes Kangxico, Galongco, and Youmojanco have a high potential for outburst floods and in urgent need for continuous moni- toring or artificial excavation to release water due to the quick increase in water depths and storage capacities. Lakes Jialongco and Cirenmaco, with outburst floods in 1981 and 2002, have a high potential risk for outburst floods because of rapid lake growth and steep slope gradients surrounding them.
XiuJuan ZhangShiYin LiuLi Liu