The program slicing technique is employed to calculate the current values of the variables at some interest points in software test data generation. This paper introduces the concept of statement domination to represent the multiple nests, and presents a dynamic program slice algorithm based on forward analysis to generate dynamic slices. In the approach, more attention is given to the statement itself or its domination node, so computing program slices is more easy and accurate, especially for those programs with multiple nests. In addition, a case study is discussed to illustrate our algorithm. Experimental results show that the slicing technique can be used in software test data generation to enhance the effectiveness.
嵌入式视频监控的方案设计已有众多论述,但针对实现过程中Linux下视频MPEG-4编码的驱动设计鲜有提及。本文以视频编码芯片IME6410的驱动设计为实例,主要论述了基于Video for Linux(V4L)规范的视频驱动实现方法,包括硬件接口、设备初始化、文件操作实现等,并着重分析了V4L规范、视频驱动及内核之间的内在联系。