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9 条 记 录,以下是 1-9
Preparation and characterization of a novel hybrid chelating material for effective adsorption of Cu(Ⅱ)and Pb(Ⅱ)被引量:2
The discharge of heavy metal ions such as Cu^2+and Pb^2+poses a severe threat to public health and the environment owing to their extreme toxicity and bioaccumulation through food chains Herein, we report a novel organic–inorganic hybrid adsorbent, Al(OH)3-poly(acrylamide dimethyldiallylammonium chloride)-graft-dithiocarbamate(APD), for rapid and effectiv removal of Cu^2+and Pb^2+. In this adsorbent, the "star-like" structure of Al(OH)3 poly(acrylamide-dimethyldiallylammonium chloride) served as the support of dithiocarbamat(DTC) functional groups for easy access of heavy metal ions and assisted development of larg and compact floccules. The synthesized adsorbent was characterized by scanning electron microscopy(SEM), transmission electron microscopy(TEM), Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy(FTIR), and thermogravimetric analysis(TGA). APD was demonstrated to hav rapid adsorption kinetics with an initial rate of 267.379 and 2569.373 mg/(g·min) as well a superior adsorption capacities of 317.777 and 586.699 mg/g for Cu2+and Pb2+respectively. Th adsorption process was spontaneous and endothermic, involving intraparticle diffusion and chemical interaction between heavy metal ions and the functional groups of APD. To assess it versatility and wide applicability, APD was also used in turbid heavy metal wastewater, and performed well in removing suspended particles and heavy metal ions simultaneously through flocculation and chelation. The rapid, convenient and effective adsorption of Cu^2+and Pb^2+give APD great potential for heavy metal decontamination in industrial applications.
Ya LiuPeng QianYang YuBo YuYongliang WangShufeng YeYunfa Chen
氯化冶金工艺中炉料成分复杂,易对氯化冶金炉耐火材料产生腐蚀、黏附,影响耐火材料的寿命,并阻碍氯化焙烧提金工艺产业化。将4种常见Al2O3-Si O2系耐火砖小块放入炉料中长时间焙烧,分析其接触面的物相,得出含Ca Cl2的矿粉在高温下对耐火材料的界面腐蚀特性:1 200℃下高铝耐火砖不粘料、不与炉料反应,高硅耐火砖中Si O2则会与炉料中Ca反应而被侵蚀;1 250℃时由于铁氧化物在氧化铝中的固溶及低熔点物质的生成,高铝耐火砖开始发生炉料的黏附;1 250℃时高硅耐火砖开始发生炉料的渗入,并由于Ca元素与Si O2的反应而被侵蚀;随着温度的升高,Fe2O3在Al O3中的固溶量增加,1 300℃时铁在高铝耐火材料中的富集更为明显。
Influence of a Protective Coating Slurry on Enhancing the Descaling Ability and Oxidation Resistance of 9% Nickel Steel
A kind of ceramic slurry was prepared and sprayed onto the surface of 9Ni steel at room temperature. The coating layer will not only reduce the depth of the formed Ni-enriched entanglement at high temperature but also have an excellent ability to resist oxidation of the 9Ni steel. Compared to bare specimen, the depths of the entanglement of the coated 9Ni specimen could be successfully reduced by 74.1% and the oxidation loss be decreased by 62.3% by heating at 1 250 ℃ for 60 min. In addition, the coated specimen indicates no trace of oxide pegs. It proves that the coating has outstanding improvement to internal oxidation resistance. Some characterization methods such as metalloscopy, XRD, XPS, SEM and EDX have been used to reveal a possible protective mechanism. The result shows that the coating layer reacts with the iron oxide to form Mg Fe2O4 on the surface of the coated specimen, which could provide a smaller diffusion coefficient rate of Fe ion. The coating with a low cost and easy implementation is promisingly applicable in the slab-reheating process of the 9Ni steel.
何影魏连启ZHANG XiaomengZHOU XunWANG ShuhuaSHAN XinYE Shufeng
Separation of chalcopyrite and pyrite from a copper tailing by ammonium humate被引量:9
Copper tailings constitute a large proportion of mine wastes. Some of the copper tailings can be recycled to recover valuable minerals. In this paper, a copper tailing was studied through the chemical analysis method, Xray diffraction and scanning electron microscope-energy dispersive spectrum. It turned out that chalcopyrite(Cu) and pyrite(S) were the main recoverable minerals in the tailing. In order to separate chalcopyrite from pyrite in low pulp pH, ammonium humate(AH) was singled out as the effective regulator. The depression mechanism of AH on the flotation of pyrite was proved by FTIR spectrum and XPS spectrum, demonstrating that there was a chemical adsorption between AH and pyrite. By Response Surface Methodology(RSM), the interaction between AH, pulp pH and iso-butyl ethionine(Z200) was discussed. It was illustrated that the optimal dosage of AH was 1678 g·t^(-1) involving both the recovery of Cu and S. The point prediction by RSM and the closed-circuit flotation displayed that the qualified Cu concentrate and S concentrate could be obtained from the copper tailing.The study indicated that AH was a promising pyrite depressor in the low pulp pH from copper tailings.
Cuicui LüYongliang WangPeng QianYa LiuGuoyan FuJian DingShufeng YeYuanfa Chen
研究采用一种环保、高效的硫代硫酸盐—铁氰化钾体系替代广泛使用的氰化法提取物料中的金银。在这种新的硫代硫酸盐体系中,利用更加稳定的K3Fe(CN)6替代传统的四氨合铜作为氧化剂。考察了硫代硫酸盐浓度、K3Fe(CN)6浓度以及溶液的初始p H值对浸出效果的影响。实验证明,这种新的体系能够快速有效地溶解金银,反应初始阶段铁氰化钾作氧化剂时,银的溶解速度非常快,铁氰化钾消耗完之后,银的溶解机理转变为氧气驱动的过程,此时银的溶解速率下降较多。该体系在浸出剂略微过量的情况下即可实现对金银的有效浸出。将该体系用于硫酸渣中金银的提取,在浸出条件为:0.05 M五水合硫代硫酸钠、1 m M铁氰化钾、p H=8时,浸出48 h后,金银的提取率分别为88%和92%。
Preparation and Characterization of Low-melting Glasses Used as Binder for Protective Coating of Steel Slab被引量:1
The low-melting phosphate glass was prepared for production of glass binders for protective coating of steel slab. Effects of different O/P ratios on glass structures and properties were analyzed. Differential thermal analysis (DTA) and infrared spectroscopy (IR) techniques were applied for low-melting glass binder. It was found that the glass transition temperature(T) was about 300 ℃ and softening temperature(T1) was about 480 ℃. The choice of O/P ratio was very important to the glass transition and softening temperatures. When more P=O bonds existed in the glass networks, P-O-P bond angle was deformed with decreasing of the ratio of O/E The coatings could adhere to the substrates instantaneously at 800 ℃ when the content of binder exceeded 3wt%. The optimal content of glass binder was 5wt%.
仉小猛魏连启XU HaiweiWANG ShuhuaYE ShufengWANG XiaojingZHOU XunCHEN Yunfa
经过一系列的选矿工艺流程处理后的氰化尾矿,粒度比较细,难以沉降,导致回水中固含量比较高,直接回用时影响浮选指标,从而限制了回水利用率的提高。针对氰化尾矿难以絮凝沉降的问题,本文研究了无机絮凝剂氧化钙、有机絮凝剂阴离子型聚丙烯酰胺(HPAM)及实验室研制絮凝剂(GGQ)的最佳投加量及调整尾矿浆不同pH值条件下絮凝剂的除浊性能。提出并使用"絮凝速度提高率"进行实验室自制药剂(GGQ)与市售药剂絮凝性能比较,结果表明GGQ的絮凝速度提高率为70.76%:絮凝沉降60 min,氰化尾矿浆pH值为7时添加GGQ絮凝后体系剩余浊度为34.62 NTU,综合比较絮凝速度提高率及除浊性能得出GGQ具有比HPAM、CaO优异的絮凝效果。
Influence of Protective Coating at High Temperature on Surface Quality of Stainless Steel被引量:3
A ceramic matrix coating for minimizing steel loss of stainless steel at high temperatures was prepared by handled air-spraying technique, and the influence of coating on surface quality of stainless steel was mainly investiga ted in laboratory. Experimental results showed that the protective coating reduced the oxidation of stainless steel by more than 91% and minimized high temperature scaling and also enhanced steel surface quality. The scales of coated specimen were removed completely and the scales of uncoated specimen were partly residual on the surface after cool ing process. Mn-rich and Fe-rich zones were found in the oxides. The Cr2 O3 found in scales came from the underlying stainless steel and formed a Cr rich layer along the spalled surface.
Xiao-meng ZHANGLian-qi WEIPeng LIUSen WANGShu-feng YEYun-fa CHEN