Let {A, B} and {C, D} be diagonalizable pairs of order n, i.e., there exist invertible matrices P, Q and X, Ysuchthat A = P∧Q, B = PΩQ, C =XГY, D= X△Y, where∧ = diag(α1, α2, …, αn), Ω= diag(βl, β2, …βn),Г=diag(γ1,γ2,…,γn), △=diag(δl,δ2,…,δn).Let ρ((α,β), (γ,δ))=|αδ-βγ|/√|α|^2+|β|^2√|γ|^2+|δ|^2.In this paper, it will be proved that there is a permutation τ of {1,2,... ,n} such thatn∑i=1[ρ((αi,βi),(γτ(i),δτ(i)))]^2≤n[1-1/κ^2(Y)κ^2(Q)(1-d2F(Z,W)/n)],where κ(Y) = ||Y||2||Y^-1||2,Z= (A,B),W= (C, D) and dF(Z,W) = 1/√2||Pz* -Pw*||F.
In this paper, we consider preconditioners for generalized saddle point systems with a nonsymmetric coefficient matrix. A constraint preconditioner for this systems is constructed, and some spectral properties of the preconditioned matrix are given. Our results extend the corresponding ones in [3] and [4].
CHEN Xiao-shan LI Wen School of Mathematics, South China Normal University, Guangzhou 510631, China