随着移动3G网络的普及,新型的增值业务不断涌现市场。LBS(Location Based Service)就是一类,基于移动网络高速的带宽提供人们与位置相关的服务。本文介绍了LBS的概念,提出了一种基于J2EE平台的瘦客户端/服务器的LBS体系架构,分析了业务的工作流程,并给出相关的实现技术。在实践中证明适应LBS的应用需求。
Grid computing is deemed as a good solution to the digital earth infrastructure.Various geographically dispersed geospatial resources can be connected and merged into a‘supercomputer’by using the grid-computing technology.On the other side,geosensor networks offer a new perspective for collecting physical data dynamically and modeling a real-time virtual world.Integrating geosensor networks and grid computing in geosensor grid can be compared to equipping the geospatial information grid with‘eyes’and‘ears.’Thus,real-time information in the physical world can be processed,correlated,and modeled to enable complex and advanced geospatial analyses on geosensor grid with capability of high-performance computation.There are several issues and challenges that need to be overcome before geosensor grid comes true.In this paper,we propose an integrated framework,comprising the geosensor network layer,the grid layer and the application layer,to address these design issues.Key technologies of the geosensor grid framework are discussed.And,a geosensor grid testbed is set up to illustrate the proposed framework and improve our geosensor grid design.