We measured the magnetic properties of core ZK9 from the subaqueous Yangtze delta to examine the mechanisms and possibility of using magnetic proxies for the sedimentary environmental evolution controlled by the Holocene sea level. The results showed that low values of most magnetic parameters occurred and pyrite formed in the estuarine sediments during c. 10.5-8.4 cal ka BE reflecting the predominant early diagenesis in a tidaldominated depositional environment when the sea level rose rapidly. Sharp increases in the values of χARM (susceptibility of Anhysteresis Remanent Magnetisation), χARM/χ, χARM/SIRM (Saturation Isothermal Remnant Magnetisation) and HIRM (Hard Isothermal Remnant Magnetisation) occurred immediately above the transitional zone from estuarine to deltaic system of c. 8.4--5.9 cal ka BP, which imply accumulation of single-domain magnetite and anti-ferromagnetic minerals. These magnetic properties indicate the enhanced freshwater processes at the core site as a result of the relatively stable sea level and the associated delta progradation since c. 5.9 cal ka BP. Therefore, magnetic proxies Of χARM and HIRM are useful to identify the maximum flooding surface. In addition, the intertidal-subtidal sediment of c. 13.2-10.5 cal ka BP had high values of χ, SIRM and HIRM, reflecting the features of a coastal environment. The sharp decline of the above parameters from c. 10.5 cal ka BP indicates possibly an event of rapid sea level rise.
本研究通过对长江口现代潮滩6个柱状样沉积物的粒度精细分析,试图提取研究区潮滩沉积相识别的粒度敏感指标,并通过对长江三角洲南部平原一个全新世钻孔(SL67孔)潮滩沉积物的粒度研究,检验现代沉积粒度敏感指标在全新世钻孔潮滩沉积相识别中的应用。研究显示,长江口现代高潮滩和中潮滩的黏性颗粒(<8μm)和粗粉砂(32~63μm)含量差异显著,可以成为区分高潮滩和中潮滩的敏感组分;在开敞型的中、低潮滩之间,砂(>63μm)和细粉砂含量(8~32μm)也差异明显。长江口现代潮滩沉积物的粒度频率曲线及众数值也可以有效协助区分高潮滩、中潮滩和低潮滩沉积物。利用上述粒度敏感组分和众数指标检验 SL67孔全新世早中期在海平面波动控制下的潮滩演替过程,并揭示了7.5 cal ka BP前后的一次海平面加速上升事件。
根据对长江三角洲北部海安地区4个钻孔标志性沉积物(潮上带盐沼泥炭、高潮滩沉积)的年龄测定和高程测量,以及沉积物压实沉降量的分析研究,重建了本研究区全新世中期8.1~7.3 cal kyr BP和5.6~5.4 cal kyr BP的相对海平面位置。结果显示,8.1~7.3 cal kyr BP海平面缓慢上升1.46m,上升速率仅为0.2cm/yr,与三角洲南部全新世早期海平面的快速上升(2cm/yr)形成鲜明对比,验证了冰盖控制下的全球海平面阶段性波动上升模式。对比长江三角洲地区海平面曲线发现,三角洲北部海平面曲线较南部低5~6m,长江三角洲海平面曲线与世界各地海平面曲线也存在明显差异,分析认为主要是由长江口地区的差异性沉降和中国东部边缘海的水均衡作用两个因素引起的。