Based on a synthesis of zircon inheritance from Mesozoic igneous rocks in the eastern portion of the North China Craton (NCC) , it is proposed that inherited zircons with Neoproterozoie ages identified from these rocks are of a heterogenous derivation from the Yangtze/South China block, rather than from the NCC itself. The mechanism that introduces these zircons incorporated into the NCC is likely by tectonic underplating during the Triassic continental subduction of the Yangtze block beneath the NCC. Tectonic addition of abundant crustal materials represented by the heterogenous zircons into the NCC, probably along Moho or weak interfaces within the NCC's crust, led to the crustal thickening in the NCC. These heterogenous materials, either as (partial) source rocks or as contaminants of the magmas generated during an extension environment following the crustal thickening, were reworked and therefore have significant contribution to petrogenesis of the Mesozoic igneous rocks. The crustal thickening resulted from the tectonic underplating, as indicated by the distribution extent of the heterogenous zircons, is spatially similar to that of the lithospheric thinning, with both mainly occurring in the eastern segment of the NCC. This is probably suggestive of an intrinsic relation between the thickening and thinning events during the Mesozoic evolution of the NCC.
Chaotiehe gabbroic intrusion in the eastern part of Liaoning Province was dated by the zircon SHRIMP U-Pb technique. The results gave an emplacement age of 126±4 Ma, indicating that the intrusion thus formed during the lithospheric thinning of the North China Craton (NCC) in the Early Cretaceous rather than in a rifting setting during the Paleoproterozoic as previously thought. The gabbroic intrusion contains abundant old zircons with Paleoproterozoic (2.10-2.46 Ga and ca. 1.87 Ga) and Neoproterozoic (747-969 Ma) ages. The Paleoproterozoic zircons were probably derived from NCC itself, whereas the Neoproterozoic ones were likely from materials of the Yangtze Craton that had previously been subducted beneath NCC. These geochronological dates are of important implications for understanding the Mesozoic crustal evolution of NCC.
Zircon U-Pb results of basalt from the Dashizhai Town in Inner Mongolia, NE China, shows that the basaltic lava was erupted at 439±3 Ma, much older than the "Permian basalts" as previously thought. These rocks show arc-type trace element patterns (i.e., Nb-Ta depletion and light REE and large ion lithophile element enrichment) and unradiogenic Sr and highly radiogenic Nd and Hf isotope compositions. They can be subdivided into two petrogenetic groups: Group 1 basalts have relatively high TiO2, MgO and compatible elements and low Sr and Th, characterized by mid-oceanic ridge basalt (MORB)-type Sr-Nd-Hf isotope compositions (87Sr/86Sr(i)=0.7028―0.7032, εNd(t)=+9.8-+11.2, εHf(t)=+16.1- +18.4). Group 2 has lower TiO2, MgO and compatible elements and higher Sr and Th, and relatively evolved Sr-Nd-Hf isotope compositions (87Sr/86Sr(i)=0.7037-0.7038, εNd(t)=+5.7-+7.3, εHf(t)=+12.6- +13.0). Both groups were interpreted as melts derived from a metasomatized mantle wedge formed during the subduction of Paleo-Asian Ocean. The mantle source for Group 1 was probably a highly isotopically depleted oceanic mantle modified by predominant slab fluids; whereas subducted sediments had an important contribution to the melting source for Group 2. The petrogenesis of the Dashizhai basalts provides clear evidence for early Paleozoic subduction of the Paleo-Asian Ocean, and the highly radiogenic Nd and Hf compositions in these rocks suggest that these lavas and their possible intrusive counterparts were one of the important components for Phanerozoic crustal growth. Our and previous studies on the "Dashizhai Formation" volcanic rocks yield an unrealistic eruption range of 440-270 Ma for different rock types, we thus advise to disassemble the previously defined "Dashizhai Formation" into multiple lithologic units and to reinterpret the spatial and temporal distributions of different volcano-sedimentary associations.
Chaotiehe gabbroic intrusion in the eastern part of Liaoning Province was dated by the zircon SHRIMP U-Pb tech...
MIAO LaiCheng~(1*),ZHANG FuQin~1,LIU DunYi~2,SHI YuRuo~2 & XIE HangQiang~2 1 Institute of Geology and Geophysics,Chinese Academy of Sciences,Beijing 100029,China