An electron injector concept for a laser-plasma accelerator has been developed which relies on the use of counter propagating ultrashort laser pulses. In this paper, we use OOPIC the fully self-consistent, twodimensional, particle-in-cell code to make a parameter study to determine the bunches that can be obtained through collisions of two collinear laser pulses in uniform plasma. A series of simulations show that one can obtain a short (<10fs) bunch with its charge of about 15pC, and energy spread of about 15%. We also discussed the variation of the transverse spot size of the electron bunch and found the bunch would undergo the betatron oscillations.
In this paper, we get the 1D approximate analytical solution of the plasma electrostatic wake driven by the laser, and get the modified oscillating frequency of this wake. Finally we analyze the longitudinal beam dynamics in this electrostatic wake, and find that the high order terms don’t change the topology of the longitudinal phase space.
Bunch compressor is widely used in free electron laser facility.The normalized emittance dilution comes from the high order magnet components and the misalignment of dipole.This paper describes the tolerance study for the CTF first bunch compressor.
In this paper, we have found a new set of parameters for the short two-stage ILC bunch compressors. The RF sections are both in the accelerating phase rather than the decelerating phase to improve the accelerating efficiency. We have also studied the CSR related issues. The results show that the microbunch instability exists extensively in the second bunch compressor, but the emittance dilution is small due to the relatively long bunch.