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10 条 记 录,以下是 1-10
Adaptive Chaotic Synchronization of Hindmarsh-Rose Network with Gap-junction
It is common that a neuron or a network in the tissue or organ of human makes an unusual action which will lea...
LI Huiyan~1,WANG Jiang~2,JIA Chenhui~2,DENG Bin~2,WEI Xile~2,CHE Yanqiu~1,QIN Yingmei~2 1.School of Automation and Electrical Engineering,Tianjin University of Technology and Education,300222, Tianjin,P.R.China 2.School of Electrical and Automation Eng.,Tianjin University,300072,Tianjin,P.R.China
Spiking patterns of a hippocampus model in electric fields被引量:1
We develop a model of CA3 neurons embedded in a resistive array to mimic the effects of electric fields from a new perspective. Effects of DC and sinusoidal electric fields on firing patterns in CA3 neurons are investigated in this study. The firing patterns can be switched from no firing pattern to burst or from burst to fast periodic firing pattern with the increase of DC electric field intensity. It is also found that the firing activities are sensitive to the frequency and amplitude of the sinusoidal electric field. Different phase-locking states and chaotic firing regions are observed in the parameter space of frequency and amplitude. These findings are qualitatively in accordance with the results of relevant experimental and numerical studies. It is implied that the external or endogenous electric field can modulate the neural code in the brain. Furthermore, it is helpful to develop control strategies based on electric fields to control neural diseases such as epilepsy.
Chaos Synchronization of Coupled Map-based Neurons under External Electrical Stimulation via Decoupling Feedback Linearization Control
<正>In this paper,synchronization dynamics of two map-based neurons being electrically coupled with gap junctio...
Haitao Yu~1,Jiang Wang~1,Yanqiu Che~1,Bin Deng~1,Qiuxiang Liu~2 1.School of Electrical Engineering and Automation,Tianjin University,Tianjin,300072,PR China 2.School of Computer Science and Eingeering,Hebei University of Technology,Tianjin,300130,PR China
The modulation of brain functional connectivity with manual acupuncture in healthy subjects:An electroencephalograph case study被引量:3
Manual acupuncture is widely used for pain relief and stress control.Previous studies on acupuncture have shown its modulatory effects on the functional connectivity associated with one or a few preselected brain regions.To investigate how manual acupuncture modulates the organization of functional networks at a whole-brain level,we acupuncture at ST36 of a right leg to obtain electroencephalograph(EEG) signals.By coherence estimation,we determine the synchronizations between all pairwise combinations of EEG channels in three acupuncture states.The resulting synchronization matrices are converted into functional networks by applying a threshold,and the clustering coefficients and path lengths are computed as a function of threshold.The results show that acupuncture can increase functional connections and synchronizations between different brain areas.For a wide range of thresholds,the clustering coefficient during acupuncture and postacupuncture period is higher than that during the pre-acupuncture control period,whereas the characteristic path length is shorter.We provide further support for the presence of "small-world" network characteristics in functional networks by using acupuncture.These preliminary results highlight the beneficial modulations of functional connectivity by manual acupuncture,which could contribute to the understanding of the effects of acupuncture on the entire brain,as well as the neurophysiological mechanisms underlying acupuncture.Moreover,the proposed method may be a useful approach to the further investigation of the complexity of patterns of interrelations between EEG channels.
Modulation of electroencephalograph activity by manual acupuncture stimulation in healthy subjects:An autoregressive spectral analysis被引量:2
To investigate whether and how manual acupuncture(MA) modulates brain activities,we design an experiment where acupuncture at acupoint ST36 of the right leg is used to obtain electroencephalograph(EEG) signals in healthy subjects.We adopt the autoregressive(AR) Burg method to estimate the power spectrum of EEG signals and analyze the relative powers in delta(0 Hz-4 Hz),theta(4 Hz-8 Hz),alpha(8 Hz-13 Hz),and beta(13 Hz-30 Hz) bands.Our results show that MA at ST36 can significantly increase the EEG slow wave relative power(delta band) and reduce the fast wave relative powers(alpha and beta bands),while there are no statistical differences in theta band relative power between different acupuncture states.In order to quantify the ratio of slow to fast wave EEG activity,we compute the power ratio index.It is found that the MA can significantly increase the power ratio index,especially in frontal and central lobes.All the results highlight the modulation of brain activities with MA and may provide potential help for the clinical use of acupuncture.The proposed quantitative method of acupuncture signals may be further used to make MA more standardized.
Particle Swarm Optimization of Periodic Deep Brain Stimulation Waveforms
<正>This paper proposes a particle swarm optimization(PSO) to identify the optimal parameter set of periodic de...
CHEN Yingyuan~1,WANG Jiang~1,WEI Xile~1,DENG Bin~1,CHE Yanqiu~2 1.School of Electrical and Automation Eng.,Tianjin University,Tianjin 300072,P.R.China 2.Tianjin Key Laboratory of Information Sensing & Intelligent Control,Tianjin University of Technology and Education, Tianjin 300072,P.R.China
A model of the Endogenous Electrical Field Effect: Can Ephaptic Transmission Cause Neuronal Synchronization Independently?
An endogenous electrical field effect, i.e., ephaptic transmission, occurs when an electric field associated w...
魏熙乐Yue ZhouJiang WangBin DengYanqiu Che