To explore saline-tolerant high yield Spartina and rice germplasm resources,innovate upon distant hybridization technology,and develop new saline-tolerant mud flat Spartina germplasm,autonomous patent for invention was used to study distant hybridization of Spartina and rice in 2005- 2016. The study adopted tidal flat planting screening,phenotypic screening,molecular marker assisted selection,to find biological evidences of new germplasm,and also applied crossbreeding,conventional breeding,and molecular breeding,to select new saline-tolerant Spartina and rice varieties. With 12 years of efforts,the team developed 1498 crossbreeding combinations and established pedigree file and seed bank,tested 307 crossbreeding materials(57 hybrid seeds showed parental genetic components of Spartina and Rice); obtained Spartina/ Rice distant hybridization and seed setting,transplanting,hybridization material economic traits,and molecular biological experimental evidences; Rice♀× Spartina ♂ hybridization success rate of 1. 04- 1. 39%; obtained authorization of patent for invention of Distant Hybridization Methods for Spartina and Rice; formulated procedures for high yield cultivation of Spartina-Rice,planted 33. 33 hm2Spartina-Rice in coastal saline and alkaline land,cultivated 10 new saline-tolerant Spartina-Rice varieties,and the rice yield up to 5. 925- 8. 28 t / hm2. Results indicate that Spartina-Rice is saline-tolerant high yield rice germplasm,developed through sexual hybridization,conventional breeding,and molecular breeding technologies,and is optimal crop for saline and alkaline land. Success of Spartina-Rice solves the problem of saline-tolerant crop badly for transformation of saline and alkaline land,the problem of feeds for herbivores,as well as problem of environmental pollution resulted from straw burning. Besides,it is of essential scientific significance for resource utilization,increase of agricultural efficiency,grain security,and farmland strategy,so it has broad application prospect.
为了发掘大米草(Spartina anglica Hubb.)耐盐、水稻(Oryza sativa L.)高产种质资源,创制海涂粮饲兼用耐盐水稻新种质,2009—2011年开展了海涂大米草、水稻远缘杂交研究。得到了远缘杂交结实、移栽、杂交材料经济性状试验证据;22份杂交材料经RAPD鉴定具有与大米草亲本共同的条带、而同时在水稻亲本中缺失的情形,表明22份远缘杂交材料具有大米草亲本的遗传成分。
Directing at the characteristics of coastal mudfiat saline and alkaline land, the yield of salt-tolerant Spartina and rice could reach 5 925-8 280 kg/hm^2 by the techniques of land and water resource utilization, farming improvement, construction of matched water system, seed selection and treatment, water direct seeding, seedling raising on seedbed, field transplanting, weeding, nutrient and water management, and disease and pest control, providing a scientific basis for the cultivation of Spartina and Rice in coast mudflat.
[Objective] The aim was to explore salt-resistant Spartina alterniflora and high-yield rice with germplasm resource in order to create new salt-resistant rice species with dual-purpose of food and forage. [Method] From 2009 to 2011, re- searches on distant hybridization of Spartina alterniflora and Oryza Sativa have been conducted with method of distant hybridization breeding. On the other hand, break- through and combination techniques (four selected one) were adopted to find the new rice species, including techniques of planting and selection in seashore, cyto- logical detection and selection, phenotype selection of backcross, and molecular marker assisted selection. [Result] Success rate of distant hybridization from 2009 to 2010 was 1.39%. RAPD molecular identification of 7C14 and rice female parent of Zhongxiang No.l, seed 2 was carried on with distant hybridization of male parent of Spartina altemiflora (H). The results showed that bands same with Spartina alterni- flora parents were found in RH-1-10K205-7C14xH, RH-2-8K157-7C14xH, and RH-13- 9H5-Zhongxaing No.1 xH. Considering absent situation in rice parents, distant hy- bridization strains above were found with same parental genetic element as Spartina alterniflora. Female parent of rice 7K339, however, was under RAPD molecular identification with male parent of Spartina alterniflora. The result showed that bands same with Spartina alterniflora parents were found in RH-5-10K215, RH-6-8K48, RH- 12-9H9, RH-14-9H8 and RH-16-9H28. Considering absent situation in rice parents, distant hybridization strains above were found with same parental genetic element as Spartina altemiflora. Rest hybrid strains were found variance with Spartina alterniflora parents and rice parents in varying degrees. [Conclusion] New and excellent rice species of dual-purpose solves problem not only about salt-resistant species badly needed in coastal development and treatment of saline and alkaline land, but about fine fodder and roughage for herbivore, as well. What's more,