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23 条 记 录,以下是 1-10
Using bidirectional modulation of 2-Ch phase modulator as basis for nonlinear distortion compensation in analog photonic links
We propose a third-order intermodulation distortion (IMD3) compensation scheme based on the bidirec- tional modulation of 2-Ch phase modulator (PM). We realize the destructive combination of IMD3 by using different modulation efficiencies and appropriately adjusting the input optical power ratio to satisfy a fixed relationship with modulation efficiency. The primary advantage of this scheme is that out-of-phase IMD3 is introduced using only one 2-Ch PM, thereby resulting in the cancellation of IMD3. Up to 27-dB suppression in IMD3 is experimentally demonstrated--a feature that will be useful in low-distortion analog or)tical transrni^sirm.
Background-free pulsed microwave signal generation based on spectral shaping and frequency-to-time mapping被引量:4
A novel scheme for the generation of background-free pulsed microwave signals is proposed and experimentally demonstrated based on spectral shaping,frequency-to-time mapping,and balanced photodetection.In the proposed scheme,the optical spectral shaper,which consists of a differential group delay(DGD)element,two polarization controllers,and a polarization beam splitter,has two outputs with complementary power transfer functions.By passing a short optical pulse through the spectral shaper and a dispersive element(DE),a pulsed microwave signal is obtained after balanced photodetection.Thanks to the balanced photodetection,the lowfrequency components(i.e.,the background signal)in the electrical spectrum is suppressed,leading to the generation of a background-free pulsed microwave signal.Meanwhile,the spectral power of the obtained microwave signal is enhanced compared to that obtained by single-end detection.Experimental results for the generation of a pulsed microwave signal centered at 12.46 GHz show that the background signal can be suppressed by more than 30 dB,and the spectral power is increased by 5.5 dB.In addition,the central frequency of the obtained background-free pulsed microwave signal can be tuned by changing the DGD introduced by the DGD element,and/or by changing the dispersion of the DE.
Fangzheng ZhangXiaozhong GeShilong Pan
进行星间激光通信的光学发射天线光束整形器设计时,首要解决的问题是根据输入光场及理想的输出光场,确定整形器的相位分布,其核心就是相位恢复.基于角谱传播理论,在传统Gerch berg-Saxton(G-S)迭代算法的基础上,提出了一种幅度梯度加成迭代算法,给出了算法的详细流程与分析.与G-S相比,新算法利用迭代过程,构建光场幅度反馈回路,利用梯度搜索最佳迭代路径,两者的联合作用加速其迭代收敛进程.数值仿真表明,新算法的单位迭代次数所引起迭代误差下降的速度是G-S算法的1.7倍,其收敛速度明显优于G-S算法;对不同的随机初始相位,新算法都能进行有效迭代,表现出适应性强,且收敛一致性好的优点.幅度梯度加成迭代算法为复杂光场的高效相位恢复提供了一种新思路,为设计各种衍射光学元件提供了技术支持.
A tunable and dispersion-insensitive microwave photonic filter被引量:4
A tunable and dispersion-insensitive two-tap microwave photonic filter(MPF) with a complex coefficient is proposed and demonstrated.By simply adjusting a polarization controller(PC) in one tap,the filter can be tuned over the entire free spectral range(FSR) while keeping the shape of the filter unchanged.Because the two taps are both single-sideband(SSB) modulated,the filter has high tolerance to fiber dispersion.The transmission response of a system with 25-or 40-km single-mode fiber(SMF) was measured and compared with an MPF with one double sideband(DSB) modulation tap.The proposed MPF shows much better performance for long-distance fiber transmission.
Performance Analysis of WLAN Medium Access Control Protocols in Simulcast Radio-Over-Fiber-Based Distributed Antenna Systems被引量:5
The performance of three wireless local-area network(WLAN) media access control(MAC) protocols is investigated and compared in the context of simulcast radioover-fiber-based distributed antenna systems(RoF-DASs) where multiple remote antenna units(RAUs) are connected to one access point(AP) with different-length fiber links.The three WLAN MAC protocols under investigation are distributed coordination function(DCF) in basic access mode,DCF in request/clear to send(RTS/CTS) exchange mode,and point coordination function(PCF).In the analysis,the inter-RAU hidden nodes problems and fiber-length difference effect are both taken into account.Results show that adaptive PCF mechanism has better throughput performances than the other two DCF modes,especially when the inserted fiber length is short.
LI Jianqiang FAN Yuting CHEN Hao LU Xun XU Kun
以无压缩全高清视频的光载无线传输为背景,通过研究宽带射频光子下转换技术,从而构建全高清视频的实时传输系统,其中下转换系统主要基于光电振荡器实现.由于光电振荡器的注入锁定,光微波信号中的载波信号被提取出来,并反馈至调制器,与宽带光微波信号混频,在光域实现信号下转换.实验论证了载频为10GHz,码率大于2Gb/s的信号下转换和有线无线传输.利用天线和光纤实现了距离为0.5 m的无线分发和距离为10km的有线传输.本文还成功实现了1.5Gb/s无压缩高清视频信号的实时传输.实验结果表明,该系统具有大带宽、抗电磁干扰等优点,同时利用光电振荡器的自动相位跟踪技术,无须外加锁相等操作.整个下转换系统简单稳定,为高清视频的有线无线传输提供了论证和演示平台.
Efficient user access and lamp selection in LED-based visible light communication network被引量:2
We present a network-level signaling mechanism for user access and service setup in light emitting diode (LED)-based visible light communication (VLC) networks and define the corresponding signaling messages. In this mechanism, lamp selection is an important step for realizing flexible user access and efficient resource allocation. Two basic selection schemes are proposed, and an enhanced bandwidth-based scheme is presented. Simulation results show the different advantages among these schemes.
Microwave photonics: radio-over-fiber links, systems, and applications [Invited]被引量:5
Microwave photonics(MWPs)uses the strength of photonic techniques to generate,process,control,and distribute microwave signals,combining the advantages of microwaves and photonics.As one of the main topics of MWP,radio-over-fiber(RoF)links can provide features that are very difficult or even impossible to achieve with traditional technologies.Meanwhile,a considerable number of signal-processing subsystems have been carried out in the field of MWP as they are instrumental for the implementation of many functionalities.However,there are still several challenges in strengthening the performance of the technology to support systems and applications with more complex structures,multiple functionality,larger bandwidth,and larger processing capability.In this paper,we identify some of the notable challenges in MWP and review our recent work.Applications and future direction of research are also discussed.
Kun XuRuixin WangYitang DaiFeifei YinJianqiang LiYuefeng JiJintong Lin
Optical single sideband polarization modulation for radio-over-fiber system and microwave photonic signal processing被引量:4
An approach to implementing optical single sideband(OSSB)polarization modulation,which is a combination of two orthogonally polarized OSSB modulations with complementary phase differences between the optical carrier and the sideband,is demonstrated based on two cascaded polarization modulators(PolMs).The two PolMs are driven by two RF signals that are 90°out of phase.By properly adjusting the polarization state between the two PolMs,OSSB polarization modulation with large operation bandwidth can be realized.An experiment is performed.OSSB polarization modulation with an operation bandwidth from 2 to 35 GHz is successfully demonstrated.The spectral profile of the OSSB polarization-modulated signal is observed through an optical spectrum analyzer,and its complementary phase properties are analyzed by sending the signal to a photodetector(PD)for square-law detection.Due to the complementary phase differences between the optical carrier and the sideband along the two polarization directions,no microwave frequency component is generated after the PD.The generated OSSB polarization-modulated signal is transmitted through 25 and 50 km single-mode fiber with 50 Mbaud 16 quadrature amplitude modulation baseband data to investigate the transmission performance of the proposed system in radio-over-fiber applications,and very small error vector magnitude degradation is observed.OSSB polarization modulation is also employed to realize a microwave photonic phase shifter.A full-range tunable phase shift is obtained for 2 and 35 GHz microwave signals.
Yamei ZhangFangzheng ZhangShilong Pan