The change of microbial community characteristics in the different rhizo- sphere zones of hybrid poplar (Populusdeltoidsxnigra, DN34) under atrazine stress were investigated by rhizo-boxes and Biolog system in a greenhouse experiment, with sublimed sulfur and calcium hydroxide as soil pH regulators. Data from the measurement by the Biolog ECO plate demonstrated that the value of average well color development (AWCD) and the carbon source utilization of soil microorganisms in the treatments with pH regulators were promoter than CK during the initial 30 days; while the results from the 90 days indicated that the activity and the carbon source utilization of soil microbes in acid regulator treatment began to fall down, even lower than that of poplar implant treatment, then the alkaline treatment could still stimulate and promote the activity and the carbon source utilization ability of soil microbes. Overall, the activity and community structure of soil microbes in rhizo- sphere zones of atrazine-contaminated soil did not show steady regularity during the phytoremediation process by using hybrid poplars. For the reason that the Biolog E- CO plate, which only had 31 kinds of carbon sources, could not really indicate the detail information about the function diversity of community structure of soil mi- crobes. So it's essential for us to take more sophisticated analysis tools for further study.