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  • 5篇中文期刊文章


  • 4篇环境科学与工...
  • 1篇理学


  • 2篇三氯乙烯
  • 2篇TCE
  • 2篇GROUND...
  • 1篇乙烯
  • 1篇正交
  • 1篇正交设计
  • 1篇四氯乙烯
  • 1篇碳同位素
  • 1篇同位素
  • 1篇萃取
  • 1篇微萃取
  • 1篇维生素
  • 1篇维生素B
  • 1篇氯同位素
  • 1篇氯乙烯
  • 1篇固相
  • 1篇固相微萃取
  • 1篇分馏
  • 1篇分馏机理
  • 1篇Δ^13C


  • 2篇中国地质大学


  • 2篇甘义群
  • 2篇周爱国
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5 条 记 录,以下是 1-5
运用正交设计方法对SPME-GC法测试三氯乙烯、四氯乙烯的固相微萃取条件进行优化。首先选择样品量、NaCl用量、萃取温度、萃取时间、解析温度等因素,设计5因素3水平正交试验方案。分析数据得到优化条件为NaCl用量30 g/L,萃取温度25℃,解析温度210℃,同时得出样品量与萃取时间是对试验结果具有显著意义的影响因素,采用二次回归正交组合设计试验对其进一步优化,并对结果进行回归分析,得到最优条件为样品量为5.5 mL,萃取时间为20.13 min。
An online method to determine chlorine stable isotope composition by continuous flow isotope ratio mass spectrometry (CF-IRMS) coupled with a Gasbench Ⅱ被引量:3
An online method using continuous flow isotope ratio mass spectrometry (CF-IRMS) interfaced with a Gasbench Ⅱ was presented to determine chlorine stable isotope composition. Silver chloride (AgCl) was quantitatively derived from chloride by using silver nitrate (AgNO3), and then was reacted with iodomethane (CH3Ⅰ) to produce methyl chloride (CH3Cl). A GasBench Ⅱ equipped with a PoraPlot Q column was used to separate CH3Cl from any other gas species. Finally, chlorine stable isotope analysis was carried out on CH3Cl introduced to the IRMS in a helium stream via an active open split. The minimum amount of Cl used in this method is of the order of 1.4 μmol. Inter-laboratory and inter-technique comparisons show that the total uncertainty incorporating both the precision and accuracy of this method is better than 0.007%. Furthermore, ten seawaters sampled from different locations have a narrow δ37Cl value range from -0.008% to 0.010%, with a mean value of (0.000±0.006)%. This supports the assumption that any seawater can be representative of standard mean ocean chloride (SMOC) and used as an international reference material.
Evaluation of nitrate source in groundwater of southern part of North China Plain based on multi-isotope被引量:1
Nitrate pollution in groundwater is a serious water quality problem that increases the risk of developing various cancers.Groundwater is the most important water resource and supports a population of 5 million in Anyang area of the southern part of the North China Plain. Determining the source of nitrate pollution is the challenge in hydrology area due to the complex processes of migration and transformation. A new method is presented to determine the source of nitrogen pollution by combining the composition characteristics of stable carbon isotope in dissolved organic carbon in groundwater. The source of groundwater nitrate is dominated by agricultural fertilizers, as well as manure and wastewater. Mineralization, nitrification and mixing processes occur in the groundwater recharge area, whereas the confined groundwater area is dominated by denitrification processes.
A Technique for Carbon and Chlorine Isotope Analyses of Chlorinated Aliphatic Hydrocarbons in Groundwater被引量:1
Chlorinated aliphatic hydrocarbons (CAHs), significant contaminants in groundwater, can be characterized by stable isotopic compositions of carbon and chlorine. Previously published methods were of low analytical sensitivity or not ideal for natural samples with low concentrations of CAHs. This method is reported here to carry out simultaneously carbon and chlorine isotope analyses for mieromolar concentrations of dissolved CAHs. It was executed by extracting and converting CAHs to carbon dioxide and methyl chloride (CH3CI). Specially, a continuous-flow interface GasBench Ⅱ was used to extract CH3CI for online chlorine isotope analysis. As a result, it greatly enhances the efficiency for isotope analysis by eliminating procedures for offline CH3CI preparation and separation. Sample size requirement was reduced to approximately 11 pmol chlorine. The standard deviation of δ^+3C and δ^37CI for both TCE solvents and water samples was better than 0.30‰ and 0.20%0 (1σ), respectively.Carbon and chlorine isotope analyses can be used as an important tool to study the sources of organic contaminants in groundwater and their behaviors in the aquifers. The method is applicable to manufacturers' products as well as a sample from a polluted site in principle, which will be validated in our field studies.
挥发性氯代烃(volatile chlorinated hydrocarbons,VCHs)是地下水中一类重要的有机污染物,维生素B12是催化VCHs还原脱氯的高效催化剂。该文选取VCHs中典型的污染物三氯乙烯(TCE)作为研究对象,以Ti(Ⅲ)为电子供体,探索不同pH条件下,维生素B12催化TCE还原脱氯过程中碳、氯同位素分馏机理。反应溶液初始pH为7.5~9.0时,其表观一级动力学反应速率系数k值为0.06~0.15 h-1;碳同位素富集系数εC为-1.8‰^-2.4‰,氯同位素富集系数εCl均值为-1.5‰。这说明,pH增大,Ti(Ⅲ)还原势能增大,反应的速率提高;还原脱氯不同反应途径所占份额改变,碳、氯同位素分馏程度变化。碳、氯的单体同位素分析(CSIA)技术可以用来评价地下水氯代烃污染降解程度和效率,结合分析2种元素能够提高污染物修复评价的准确性,同位素富集系数的稳定性研究可为其不同环境条件下的精确评价提供理论依据。