The toxicities of extracts of Tateges erecta against Tetranychus viennensis, and the effects on several enzymes of Tetranychus viennensis conducted with the chloroform extracts were studied. The results showed that the extracts of Tateges erecta possessed high bioactivity against Tetranychus viennensis. In photic group, when treated with the extracts of chloroform, petroleum ether and methanol, the LC_ 50 were 5.833, 3.508 and 8.445 9 mg·mL -1 respectively. The activities of glutathiona {S_transferase} and esterase isozyme can be strongly inhibited by the chloroform extracts in the photic group. In dark group, the activity of glutathiona S_transferase and protease were induced and inhibited respectively, the variety of esterase isozyme was not obvious.