Based on the Simplified Bishop Method, the minimum safety factor of ice slope both with and without tension cracks is calculated in combination with triaxial compression tests. It is found that there exists a critical depth for each crack. Then, factors influencing ice slope stability such as slope ratio, slope height, ice cohesion, internal friction angle, unit weight and temperature were analyzed. Meanwhile, a regression equation between the aforementioned factors and safety factor is obtained, with which sensitivity analysis is carried out. The performance function is built in combination with random distribution of physical and mechanical parameters to analyze the reliability index. The Advanced First Order Second Moment Method is employed on the solution to the perfor- mance function. The one-way coupling system of ice slope stability is therefore formed based on safety factor and reliability index. Finally, an illustrated example of ice slope is provided, which shows that failure probability is relatively high, up to 6.18%, alt- hough safety factor is 2.77. Thus, it is objective and reasonable to apply the coupled system method to the slope stability rating.