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  • 8篇中文期刊文章


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8 条 记 录,以下是 1-8
Criterion of Semi-Markov Dependent Risk Model
A rigorous definition of semi-Markov dependent risk model is given. This model is a generalization of the Markov dependent risk model. A criterion and necessary conditions of semi- Markov dependent risk model are obtained. The results clarify relations between elements among semi-Markov dependent risk model more clear and are applicable for Markov dependent risk model.
Xiao Yun MOXiang Qun YANG
First principles calculation on ternary stannide phase narrow band gap semiconductor Na_2MgSn被引量:1
The electronic structures,chemical bonding,elastic and optical properties of the ternary stannide phase Na2MgSn were investigated by using density-fimctional theory(DFT) within generalized gradient approximation(GGA).The calculated energy band structures show that Na2MgSn is an indirect semiconductor material with a narrow band gap 0.126 eV.The density of state(DOS)and the partial density of state(PDOS) calculations show that the DOS near the Fermi level is mainly from the Na 2p,Mg 3p and Sn5 p states.Population analysis suggests that there are strongly bonded Mg-Sn honeycomb layers in Na2MgSn.Basic physical properties,such as lattice constant,bulk modulus,shear modulus,elastic constants c(ij) were calculated.The elastic modulus E and Poisson ratio v were also predicted.The results show that Na2MgSn is mechanically stable soft material and behaves in a brittle manner.Detailed analysis of all optical functions reveals that Na2MgSn is a better dielectric material,and reflectivity spectra show that Na2MgSn promise as good coating materials in the energy regions 6.24-10.49 eV.
Given a new Double-Markov risk model DM = (μ, Q, v, H; Y, Z) and Double-Markov risk process U = {U(t), t 〉 0}. The ruin or survival problem is addressed. Equations which the survival probability satisfied and the formulas of calculating survival probability are obtained. Recursion formulas of calculating the survival probability and analytic expression of recursion items are obtained. The conclusions are expressed by Q matrix for a Markov chain and transition probabilities for another Markov Chain.
First principles calculation of electronic structure, chemical bonding and elastic properties of ultra-incompressible Re_2P
The electronic structures, chemical bonding and elastic properties of the Co2P-type structure phase ultra-incompressible Re2P (orthorhombic phase) were investigated by density-functional theory (DFT) within generalized gradient approximation (GGA). The calculated energy band structures show that the orthorhombic structure phase Re2P is metallic material. The density of state (DOS) and the partial density of state (PDOS) calculations show that the DOS near the Fermi level is mainly from the Re-5d state. Population analysis suggests that the chemical bonding in Re2P has predominantly covalent character with mixed covalent-ionic character. Basic physical properties, such as lattice constant, bulk modulus, shear modulus, and elastic constants Cij, were calculated. The elastic modulus and Poisson ratio were also predicted. The results show that the Co2P-type structure phase Re2P is mechanically stable and behaves in a brittle manner.
本文主要利用神经网络进行精神分裂症患者和正常人的判别分析,以63例精神分裂症患者和57例正常人的4005条功能连接作为原始特征空间,尝试用不同的降维方法,不同的神经网络模型来寻找最优分类模型.结果表明:用Mann-Whitney U检验选取病人与正常人差异最大的特征作为输入,用Elman神经网络模型作分类的效果最佳,正确率94.17%,置换检验p<0.001,敏感度92.06%,特异度96.49%.对于得到最高分类正确率的神经网络模型,我们找出了34条对分类取到最大贡献作用的共识功能连接,里面包含了26个脑区,这26个脑区中尤以丘脑所对应的功能连接边数最多,其次是扣带回和额叶.
A Periodic Dividend Problem with Inconstant Barrier in Markovian Environment被引量:1
Periodic dividend problem is a meaningful issue. Based on a compound binomial model with periodic dividend, we use a homogeneous, ergodic and irreducible discrete-time Markov chain to express the evolution from one period to the subsequent of the economic or the environmental and climatic conditions. We derive some properties about the model. A system of integral equations for the expectation and the r-th moment of discounted dividends until ruin time are obtained respectively. Moreover, by using of Contraction Mapping Principle, we solve the equation system and obtain the explicit expression.
Fang JINHui OUXiang Qun YANG
First principles calculation on electronic structure,chemical bonding,elastic and optical properties of novel tungsten triboride
The electronic structures,chemical bonding,elastic and optical properties of the novel hP24 phase WB3 were investigated by using density-functional theory(DFT) within generalized gradient approximation(GGA).The calculated energy band structures show that the hP24 phase WB3 is metallic material.The density of state(DOS) and the partial density of state(PDOS) calculations show that the DOS near the Fermi level is mainly from the W 5d and B 2p states.Population analysis suggests that the chemical bonding in hP24-WB3 has predominantly covalent characteristics with mixed covalent-ionic characteristics.Basic physical properties,such as lattice constant,bulk modulus,shear modulus and elastic constants Cij were calculated.The elastic modulus E and Poisson ratio υ were also predicted.The results show that hP24-WB3 phase is mechanically stable and behaves in a brittle manner.Detailed analysis of all optical functions reveals that WB3 is a better dielectric material,and reflectivity spectra show that WB3 can be promised as good coating material in the energy regions of 8.5-11.4 eV and 14.5-15.5 eV.