Call a sequence of k Boolean variables or their negations a k-tuple. For a set V of n Boolean variables, let Tk(V) denote the set of all 2^kn^k possible k-tuples on V. Randomly generate a set C of k-tuples by including every k-tuple in Tk(V) independently with probability p, and let Q be a given set of q "bad" tuple assignments. An instance I = (C, Q) is called satisfiable if there exists an assignment that does not set any of the k-tuples in C to a bad tupie assignment in Q. Suppose that θ, q 〉 0 are fixed and ε=ε(n) 〉 0 be such in 2 that ε Inn/ In Inn → ∞. Let k ≥ (1 + θ) log2 n and let p0 = ln2/qn^k-1. We prove thatlim∞ P[I issatisfiable] ={1,p≤(1-ε)p0, 0,p≥(1+ε)p0.
In this article, we consider the non-linear difference equation(f(z + 1)f(z)-1)(f(z)f(z-1)-1) =P(z, f(z))/Q(z, f(z)),where P(z, f(z)) and Q(z, f(z)) are relatively prime polynomials in f(z) with rational coefficients. For the above equation, the order of growth, the exponents of convergence of zeros and poles of its transcendental meromorphic solution f(z), and the exponents of convergence of poles of difference △f(z) and divided difference △f(z)/f(z)are estimated. Furthermore, we study the forms of rational solutions of the above equation.
In this paper, we investigate the growth of the meromorphic solutions of the following nonlinear difference equations F(Z)N+pN-1(F)=0,where n ≥ 2 and small functions as proposed by Yang than 1. Pn-1(f) is a difference polynomial of degree at most n - 1 in f with coefficients. Moreover, we give two examples to show that one conjecture and Laine [2] does not hold in general if the hyper-order of f(z) is no less
In this paper, we investigate uniqueness problems of differential polynomials of meromorphic functions. Let a, b be non-zero constants and let n, k be positive integers satisfying n ≥ 3k + 12. If f^n+ af^(k)and g^n+ ag^(k)share b CM and the b-points of f^n+ af^(k)are not the zeros of f and g, then f and g are either equal or closely related.