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34 条 记 录,以下是 1-10
Application of rotifer Brachionus plicatilis in detecting the toxicity of harmful algae被引量:3
The toxicity of seven major HAB (harmful algal bloom) species/strains, Prorocentrum donghaiense, Phaeocystis globosa, Prorocentrum micans, Alexandrium tamarense (AT-6, non-PSP producer), Alexandrium lusitanicum, Alexandrum tamarense (ATHK) and Heterosigma akashiwo were studied against rotifer Brachionus plicatilis under laboratory conditions. The results show that P donghaiense, P. globosa, P. micans, A. tamarense (AT-6), or A. lusitanicum could maintain the individual survival and reproduction, as well as the population increase of the rotifer, but the individual reproduction would decrease when exposed to these five algae at higher densities for nine days; H. akashiwo could decrease the individual survival and reproduction, as well as population increase of the rotifer, which is similar to that of the starvation group, indicating that starvation might be its one lethal factor except for the algal toxins; A. tamarense (ATHK) has strong lethal effect on the rotifer with 48h LCs0 at 800 cells/mL. The experiment on ingestion ability indicated by gut pigment change shows that P. donghaiense, P. globosa, P micans, A. tamarense (AT-6) and A. lusitanicum can be taken by the rotifers as food, but A. tamarense (ATHK) or H. akashiwo can be ingested by the rotifers. The results indicate that all the indexes of individual survival and reproduction, population increase, gut pigment change of the rotifers are good and convenient to be used to reflect the toxicities of HAB species. Therefore, rotifer is suggested as one of the toxicity testing organisms in detecting the toxicity of harmful algae.
Otolith chemical signatures of spottedtail goby Synechogobius ommaturus in coastal waters of China被引量:3
This study explores the potential existence of local stocks of Synechogobius ommaturus using otolith chemical signatures. The concentrations of 10 elements (K, Ca, Na, Mg, St, Pb, Ba, Mn, Co, Zn) in the otoliths from eight stocks (Dandong, Dalian, Tianjin, Dongying, Weihai, Qingdao, Ganyu and Xiamen) ofS. ommaturus were measured by Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry and regressed against otolith weight. No significant correlation between otolith weight and concentrations of Na, Mg, Ca, Sr, Co, Ba, Zn and Pb were observed. Concentrations of K and Mn were correlated with otolith weight. Consequently, the residuals of the regressions were used instead of the original concentrations in subsequent analyses. Analysis of variance (ANOVA) showed no significant difference between males and females in otolith chemical signatures. Differences were found among the locations for K, Sr, Mn, Co, Ba, Pb, but not for Ca, Na, Mg and Zn. Residuals of the regressions of elemental concentrations against otolith weight that fitted the normal distribution and homogeneity were studied by discriminant analysis. The success of the discriminant function to predict the location of S. ommaturus capture ranged from 100% for Weihai and Xiamen stocks, to only 44.4% and 62.5% for Qingdao and Dandong stocks, respectively. The average prediction success was 80.3%.
Using a Lagrangian model to estimate source regions of particles in sediment traps
A Lagrangian model is used to evaluate source regions of particles collected in the sediment traps at the DYFAMED (Dy namique des Flux Atmospheriques en Mediterranee) station by tracking particles backwards from March 1 to August 31, 2001. The analysis suggests that source regions depend on the flow fields, the settling speed of the particles, and the deployment depths of the traps. Monthly variation is observed in the distribution patterns of source regions, which is caused by the currents The source regions are located around the traps and up to hundreds of kilometers away. As the settling speed increases with the particle diameters, the distance to the source regions decreases. The vertical flux can be approximately estimated in 1D for the particles with diameters larger than 500 lain. Furthermore, traps moored at various depths at the DYFAMED can collect parti- cles that originated from different regions in the Ligurian Sea.
Seasonal variation in fatty acid composition of seston and the copepod Calanus sinicus(Brodsky,1962)in Jiaozhou Bay and its trophic implications被引量:5
The fatty acid compositions of seston and Calanus sinicus were investigated to study trophic relationships in Jiaozhou Bay. Principal component analysis was carried out to ordinate the fatty acid patterns of seston in stations and months. The results showed that diatoms were most abundant in the phytoplankton at station A5 (located in the northwest of the bay: 36~9'N, 120~20'E) and least abundant at station D7 (located outside of the bay: 35~59'N, 120~26'E). By contrast, dinoflagellates were most abundant at station D7 and least abundant at station A5. According to the annual variations of 16:1 (o7 and 18:4(o3/ 16:1(o7, diatoms flourished mainly in spring and summer, while dinoflagellates bloomed exclusively in summer. A distinctive feature of the fatty acid composition of C. sinicus was the prevalence of 20:5o3 and 22:6(o3. The higher content of 16:1(o7 over 18:4(o3 in females indicated that diatoms contributed more than dinoflagellates to the diet of C. sinicus. The feeding intensity of C. sinicus on diatoms was higher in spring and autumn than in other seasons. The herbivorous indicators 20:1 and 22:1 were comparatively low, suggesting that besides phytoplankton, C. sinicus might feed on a wider range of particles including organic detritus, bacteria and small copepods.
Nitrogen and phosphorus budgets of the Changjiang River estuary被引量:2
Eutrophication has emerged as a key environmental problem in Chinese coastal waters, especially in the Changjiang (Yangtze) River estuary. In this area, large nutrient inputs result in frequent harmful algal blooms and serious hypoxia in bottom waters. Four cruises were made in the estuary in 2006 to assess the concentration and distribution of dissolved inorganic nitrogen (DIN) and phosphorus (DIP). The concentration of DIN decreased gradually in a linear relationship with salinity from the river mouth to outer waters, while DIP was relatively more dispersed. A modified box budget method was used to estimate nutrient fluxes in the estuary and its adjacent waters. Water and nutrient budgets as well as primary production and denitrification rates were estimated from the box budget model. Estimated water residence time in the estuary was about 11 d. The turbid mixing zone released 33% of DIN and 49% of DIP, while in the adjacent outer sea 17.9 mmol DIN/m2·d and 0.36 mmol DIP/m2·d were fixed. Dissolved inorganic phosphorus was imported from the deep open sea waters, supporting primary production and population growth in this zone. Net ecosystem production (NEP) was calculated at 38.2 mmol/m2·d in the outer estuary and the estimated rate (N-fixation minus denitrification) was negative (1.92 mmol/m2·d), implying that a large amount of input nitrogen was taken up by algae and recycled through denitrification in bottom water and sediment.
Stock discrimination of spottedtail goby (Synechogobius ommaturus) in the Yellow Sea by analysis of otolith shape被引量:7
Otolith shape is species specific and is an ideal marker of fish population affiliation. In this study, otolith shape of spottedtail goby Synechogobius ommaturus is used to identify stocks in different spawning locations in the Yellow Sea. The main objectives of this study are to explore the potential existence of local stocks of spottedtail goby in the Yellow Sea by analysis of otolith shape, and to investigate ambient impacts on otolith shape. Spottedtail goby was sampled in five locations in the Yellow Sea in 2007 and 2008. Otoliths are described using variables correlated to size (otolith area, perimeter, length, width, and weight) and shape (rectangularity, circularity, and 20 Fourier harmonics). Only standardized otolith variables are used so that the effect of otolith size on the shape variables could be eliminated. There is no significant difference among variables of sex, year, and side (left and right). However, the otolith shapes of the spring stocks and the autumn stocks differ significantly. Otolith shape differences are greater among locations than between years. Correct classification rate of spottedtail goby with the otolith shape at different sampling locations range from 29.7%–77.4%.
Factors influencing the climatological mixed layer depth in the South China Sea:numerical simulations被引量:1
The mixed layer depth (MLD) in the upper ocean is an important physical parameter for describing the upper ocean mixed layer. We analyzed several major factors influencing the climatological mixed layer depth (CMLD), and established a numerical simulation in the South China Sea (SCS) using the Regional Ocean Model System (ROMS) with a high-resolution (1/12~x 1/12~) grid nesting method and 50 vertical layers. Several ideal numerical experiments were tested by modifying the existing sea surface boundary conditions. Especially, we analyzed the sensitivity of the results simulated for the CMLD with factors of sea surface wind stress (SSWS), sea surface net heat flux (SSNHF), and the difference between evaporation and precipitation (DEP). The result shows that of the three factors that change the depth of the CMLD, SSWS is in the first place, when ignoring the impact of SSWS, CMLD will change by 26% on average, and its effect is always to deepen the CMLD; the next comes SSNHF (13%) for deepening the CMLD in October to January and shallowing the CMLD in February to September; and the DEP comes in the third (only 2%). Moreover, we analyzed the temporal and spatial characteristics of CMLD and compared the simulation result with the ARGO observational data. The results indicate that ROMS is applicable for studying CMLD in the SCS area.