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4 条 记 录,以下是 1-4
New Data on the Age of the Yukiang (Yujiang) Formation at Liujing, Guangxi, South China
The age of the Yukiang (Yujiang) Formation has been shrouded in controversy for more than 75 years. New investigation at the Liujing section, Hengxian County, Guangxi, has revealed a conodont sequence assignable to two Early Devonian conodont zonations: the Eognathodus kindlei?-Polygnathus pireneae Zone and the Polygnathus nothoperbonus Zone from oldest to youngest. The Gaoling and Mahuangling members of the Nahkaoling (Nagaoling) Formation and the overlying Xiayiling Member and lower part of the Shizhou Member of the Yukiang Formation are proven to belong to the Pragian Eognathodus kindlei?-Polygnathus pireneae Zone. The co-occurrence of Polygnathus pireneae and Pol. sokolovi in the lower part of the Shizhou Member demonstrates that this interval can be approximately correlated with the uppermost part of the Polygnathus pireneae Zone. However, precise level identification of the Pragian-Emsian Boundary (PEB) in the Liujing section remains dfficult due to the scarcity of suitable limestone samples for conodont analysis from the middle and upper parts of the Shizhou Member. The Daliancun and Liujing members of the Yukiang Formation and the lower part of the overlying Moding Formation are assigned to the Polygnathus nothoperbonus Zone with the nominal species of this biozone ranging from the bottom of the Daliancun Member to the lower part of the Moding Formation.
LU JianfengQIE WenkuYU ChangminCHEN Xiuqin
本文对采自陕西洛南上湾剖面下寒武统辛集组疑难管状化石Cupitheca进行了研究,系统厘定和描述了两个种,分别为Cupitheca holocyclata和Cupitheca costellata,并对Cupithecidae科进行了重新修订。本文所描述标本的壳体多为次生磷酸盐化保存,壳体表面纹饰保存较好;C.holocyclata管体表面为横向纹饰,C.costellata管体表面为纵向纹饰。C.holocyclata全球广布,如南澳大利亚、南极乔治王岛、格陵兰东北部、加拿大纽芬兰等地皆有报道,产出于下寒武统中上部地层,具有一定的洲际地层对比意义。本文为C.holocyclata在中国首次发现。C.costellata仅发现于华北,即本文所研究的洛南辛集组及其同期地层安徽淮南与霍邱的雨台山组。
提要本文重新描述华南和新疆上三叠统和下侏罗统20枚甲虫模式标本,共识别出Cupedidae科3属5种,Elateridae科4属4种,Permosynidae科4属5种,Schizocoleidae科2属3种,未定科3属3种。将Notocupoides fasciatus Ponomarenko,1966归入Notocupes,建立一新种Notocupes lini sp.nov.;基于Ademosynoides chinaticus Lin,1992建立一新属Toksunius gen.nov.,形成一新组合Toksunius chinaticus(Lin,1922)comb.nov.。
Ponomarenko A GYan E V王博张海春
New anomalocaridid frontal appendages from the Guanshan biota,eastern Yunnan被引量:3
Anomalocaridids were large predators of the Cambrian seas at the top of the trophic pyramid.Complete anomalocaridid specimens have been rarely discovered and the rigid isolated frontal appendages and mouthparts are more commonly preserved.Here we study new material of the frontal appendages from the Wulongqing Formation,Cambrian Stage 4,Series 2 near Kunming,eastern Yunnan.Two new forms of anomalocaridid frontal appendages are described,namely Anomalocaris kunmingensis sp.nov.and Paranomalocaris multisegmentalis gen.nov.,sp.nov.The frontal appendage of A.kunmingensis sp.nov.probably comprises15 podomeres of which the first one has a weakened skeletoned,the second one is armed with small spines,and the third one is armed with remarkably robust proximal ventral spines with 6 anisomerous auxiliary spines;paired auxiliary spines are associated with podomeres 4–14;podomeres 12–14 are armed with paired dorsal spines,and the last podomere bears 2 distal spines,one spine distinctly larger than the other.The frontal appendage of P.multisegmentalis tapered backwards,consisting of 22 visible podomeres;the most ventral spine is armed with 5 pairs of auxiliary spines,and podomeres 12–21 bear dorsal spines,the last podomere with 2 small distal spines.The new material provides additional evidence for our understanding of the diversity of anomalocaridids in the Cambrian.The morphology of these new finds may indicate the importance of different feeding strategies of anomalocaridids in the Cambrian ecosystem.
WANG YuanYuanHUANG DiYingHU ShiXue