Communication based train control (CBTC) system is based on mobile communication and overcomes fixed blocks in order to increase track utilization and train safety. The data communication system (DCS) between trains and wayside equipment is a crucial factor for the safe and efficient operation of CBTC system. The dependability under various transmission conditions needs to be modeled and evaluated. In this paper,a stochastic reward net (SRN) model for DCS based IEEE 802.11 standard was developed,which captures all relevant failure and failure recovery behavior system aspects in a concise way. We compared the reliability,availability for DCS with and without access point (AP) and antenna redundant configuration. We also quantitatively evaluated and compared the frame loss probability for three DCS configurations with different train velocities and train numbers in one radio cell. Fixed-point iteration was adopted to simplify the analysis. Numerical results showed the significant improvement of the reliability,availability and the frame loss probability index for the full redundant configuration.
This paper presents a novel Autonomous Integrity Monitoring and Assurance (AIMA) scheme for integrity assurance of the GNSS-based train integrated positioning system. In this scheme, integrity assurance strategies are combined with a three-stage hierarchical architecture, considering the coupling effects among sensor collection, sensor fusion and matching decision level in train integrated positioning. In sensor collecting stage, the AIMA scheme deals with sensor faults and failures with a PCA-based fault detection, diagnosis and isolation approach. In multi-sensor fusion stage, a novel cubature point H0o filter is presented to enhance the fault tolerance capability, and a hybrid approach is applied to indicating and monitoring the protection level of position estimation, concerning both the estimating covariance and measurement slopes. In map matching stage, hypothesis testing with specific test statistic is carried out to determine effectiveness of positioning results. Position calculation will be invalid with an alarm triggered if the specific integrity criterion is not satisfied in any stage. Since independent solutions are applied in AIMA, integrity assurance is closely coupled with information processing in train integrated positioning. Numerical results of the three cases correspond to the hierarchical architecture with field data and simulations are presented to illustrate features and applicability of the proposed AIMA scheme and specific solutions.