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10 条 记 录,以下是 1-10
为探讨丝光椋鸟(Sturnus sericeus)代谢产热特征及体温调节的日周期变化,本研究采用开放式氧气分析仪及数字式温度计,测定了丝光椋鸟24 h体温、体重(Mb)和基础代谢率(BMR)的连续变化。结果显示,丝光椋鸟体温、体重及代谢率的日周期变化存在显著差异。丝光椋鸟夜间体温明显低于白昼,其中体温在凌晨5时降至(40.4±0.1)℃;体重昼夜变化明显,且在20:00~次日6:00时雌雄丝光椋鸟体重的下降与时间分别存在明显的线性关系,雌性为Mb=83.46(±0.12)-0.41(±0.02)t(R2=0.992,P<0.01);雄性为Mb=76.74(±0.15)-0.39(±0.02)t(R2=0.986,P<0.01)(式中的t代表时间)。丝光椋鸟的BMR在凌晨4时降至最低,为(1.96±0.06)ml/(g.h)。结果表明,丝光椋鸟通过内源性的调节,即夜间降低体温、体重及代谢率等途径,调节生理能量平衡,从而适应昼夜环境变化。
基础代谢率(BMR)是恒温动物维持正常生理机能的最小产热速率,是动物在清醒时维持身体各项基本功能所需的最小能量值。"能量需求"假设认为,鸟类短期BMR的调整可以通过改变内部器官的大小来适应能量需求。以白头鹎(Pycnonotus sinensis)为研究对象,分别在10℃和30℃的不同环境中适应4周后,测定了其BMR、蒸发失水(EWL)和内部器官(心、肝、肾、胃、小肠和整体消化道)的重量,同时分析了白头鹎内部器官的变化及与BMR的关系。驯化4周后,白头鹎暖温组(30℃)的体重有明显降低的趋势;经协方差校正体重后,低温组(10℃)单位体重BMR与整体BMR明显高于暖温组,同时两组间EWL表现出显著差异。协方差分析表明,低温组白头鹎的肝脏、肾脏、小肠及总消化道重量显著高于暖温组。低温引起白头鹎能量需求增加,内部器官发生相应改变,要求摄入更多的氧气以维持代谢平衡,导致散失更多的蒸发水。
Effect of food restriction on the energy metabolism of the Chinese bulbul(Pycnonotus sinensis)被引量:2
Food resources play an important role in the regulation of animals’ physiology and behavior. We investigated the effect of short-term food restriction on metabolic thermogenesis of Chinese bulbuls(Pycnonotus sinensis) by measuring changes in body mass, body fat, basic metabolic rate(BMR), and organ mass of wild-caught Chinese bulbuls from Wenzhou, China. Short-term food restriction induced a significant decrease in body mass and body fat but body mass returned to normal levels soon after food was no longer restricted. Food restriction caused a significant reduction in BMR after 7 days(P〈0.05), which returned to normal levels after food restriction ceased. Log total BMR was positively correlated with log body mass(r2=0.126, P〈0.05). The dry masses of livers and the digestive tract were higher in birds that had been subject to temporary food restriction than in control birds and those subject to continual food restriction(P〈0.001 and P〈0.05, respectively). There was also significant differences in the dry mass of the lungs(P〈0.05), heart(P〈0.01), and spleen(P〈0.05) in birds subject to short-term food restriction compared to control birds and those subject to continual food restriction. BMR was positively correlated with body and organ(heart, kidney and stomach) mass. These results suggest that the Chinese bulbul adjusts to restricted food availability by utilizing its energy reserves, lowering its BMR and changing the weight of various internal organs so as to balance total energy requirements. These may all be survival strategies that allow birds to cope with unpredictable variation in food abundance.
基础代谢率(basal metabolic rate,BMR)是动物在清醒时维持身体各项基本功能所需的最小能量值,能反映出鸟类对环境独特的适应机制和进化对策。鸟类的BMR具有一定的可塑性,包括实验室适应、迁徙和季节性驯化期间的变化。鸟类BMR可塑性变化的形态学、生理学及生化分子生物学基础包括:调整代谢活性器官的重量、特殊器官的代谢强度及组织器官内氧含量和底物的转运能力等。
Daily variation in body mass and thermoregulation in male Hwamei(Garrulax canorus) at different seasons被引量:1
Background: Acclimatization to winter conditions is an essential prerequisite for survival of small passerines of the northern temperate zone. In the present study, we measured diurnal variations in body mass, body temperature and basal metabolic rate(BMR) for seasonally acclimatized Hwameis(Garrulax canorus).Methods: Body mass was determined with a Sartorius balance. Metabolic rates of Hwameis were measured with an open-circuit respirometry system.Results: Body masses varied with time of day and were higher in daytime for Hwameis in both summer and winter, and body masses in winter were higher compared to that in summer. Body temperatures of Hwameis were higher in daytime, and the summer acclimatized birds had significantly higher body temperatures compared to the winter acclimatized birds. BMRs of Hwameis were significantly higher during the daytime compared to the nighttime of the daily cycle in both summer and winter, and Hwameis in winter had significantly higher BMRs than that in summer.Conclusions: This result showed that Hwameis rely mostly on metabolic capacity to maintain their body temperature in cold weathers, and Hwameis exhibited daily and seasonal flexibility in morphology and physiology which is important under changing environmental conditions.
Lidan ZhaoRunmei WangYunan WuMengsi WuWeihong ZhengJinsong Liu
Seasonal variation in body mass and energy budget in Chinese bulbuls (pycnonotus sinensis)被引量:6
Background: Seasonal adjustments in body mass and energy budget are important for the survival of small birds in temperate zones. Seasonal changes in body mass, body temperature, gross energy intake(GEI), digestible energy intake(DEI), body fat content, as well as length and mass of the digestive tract, were measured in Chinese Bulbuls(Pycnonotus sinensis) caught in the wild at Wenzhou, China.Methods: Body mass was determined with a Sartorius balance. The caloric contents of the dried food and feces were then determined using a oxygen bomb calorimeter. Total fat was extracted from the dried carcasses by ether extraction in a Soxhlet apparatus. The digestive tract of each bird was measured and weighed, and was then dried to a constant mass.Results: Body mass showed a significant seasonal variation and was higher in spring and winter than in summer and autumn. Body fat was higher in winter than in other seasons. GEI and DEI were significantly higher in winter.The length and mass of the digestive tract were greatest in winter and the magnitude of both these parameters was positively correlated with body mass, GEI and DEI. Small passerines typically have higher daily energy expenditure in winter, necessitating increased food consumption.Conclusions: This general observation is consistent with the observed winter increase in gut volume and body mass in Chinese Bulbuls. These results suggest that Chinese Bulbuls adjust to winter conditions by increasing their body mass, body fat, GEI, DEI and digestive tract size.
Mengsi WuYuchao XiaoFang YangLimeng ZhouWeihong ZhengJinsong Liu
体重、能量收支和消化道形态特征的季节性调整对鸟类的能量需求或能量利用非常重要。本文以分布于浙江的画眉(Garrulax canorus)为研究对象,分别在冬季(2014年1月)和夏季(2013年7月)测定了画眉的体重、能量收支及消化道形态特征的变化,从整体水平上揭示画眉能量收支和消化道形态在冬夏两季的变化及其适应策略。野外捕获的画眉在实验室适应1 d后用于实验。能量收支采用代谢笼测定,消化道重量采用烘干至恒重测定。结果表明:除体重没有出现明显的季节性变化外,画眉冬季的摄入能(P<0.05)及同化能(P<0.05)显著高于夏季;胃、小肠、直肠及总消化道的湿重及干重冬季明显高于夏季;相关分析表明,画眉的总消化道、胃和小肠的湿重及干重与摄入能和同化能具有明显的正相关。这些结果表明,在自然条件下,画眉通过增加能量摄入和消化道重量来应对冬季的高能量需求。
Effects of temperature acclimation on body mass and energy budget in the Chinese bulbul Pycnonotus sinensis被引量:8
Chinese bulbuls (Pycnonotus sinensis) are small passerine birds that inhabit areas of central, southern and eastern China. Previous observations suggest that flee-living individuals of this species may change their food intake in response to seasonal changes in ambient temperature. In the present study, we randomly assigned Chinese bulbuls to either a 30 ~C or 10 ~C group, and measured their body mass (BM), body temperature, gross energy intake (GEl), digestible energy intake (DEI), and the length and mass of their digestive tracts over 28 days of acclimation at these temperatures. As predicted, birds in the 30 ℃ group had lower body mass, GEI and DEI relative to those in the 10 ℃ group. The length and mass of the digestive tract was also lower in the 30 ℃ group and trends in these parameters were positively correlated with BM, GEl and DEI. These results suggest that Chinese bulbuls reduced their absolute energy demands at relatively high temperatures by decreasing their body mass, GEI and DEI, and digestive tract size.
Yu-Nan WULin LINYu-Chao XIAOLi-Meng ZHOUMeng-Si WUHui-Ying ZHANGJin-Song LIU
Metabolic rate and evaporative water loss in the silky starling (Sturnus sericeus)被引量:1
To better understand the physiological characteristics of the silky starling(Sturnus sericeus), its body temperature(Tb), basal metabolic rate(BMR), evaporative water loss(EWL) and thermal conductance(C) elicited by different ambient temperatures(Ta)(5-30 ℃) were determined in the present study. Our results showed that they have a high Tb(41.6±0.1 ℃), a wide thermal neutral zone(TNZ)(20-27.5 ℃) and a relatively low BMR within the TNZ(3.37±0.17 mL O2/g·h). The EWL was nearly stable below the TNZ(0.91±0.07 mg H2O/g·h) but increased remarkably within and above the TNZ. The C was constant below the TNZ, with a minimum value of 0.14±0.01 mL O2/g·h·℃. These findings indicate that the BMR, Tb and EWL of the silky starling were all affected by Ta, especially when Ta was below 20℃ and the EWL plays an important role in thermal regulation.
Huan-Huan BAOQing-Jian LIANGHong-Lei ZHUXiao-Qiu ZHOUWei-Hong ZHENGJin-Song LIU
食性是影响鸟类消化系统形态结构的重要因子之一。本文对丝光椋鸟Sturnus sericeus、白头鹎Pycnonotus sinensis、小鹀Emberiza pusilla及红头长尾山雀Aegithalos concinnus4种雀形目鸟类的消化道形态结构进行了比较研究。结果发现,4种雀形目鸟类总消化道及各消化器官的长度和重量均存在显著种间差异。其中丝光椋鸟总消化道及各消化道器官的长度及重量最高,白头鹎和小鹀居中,而食虫鸟红头长尾山雀的各项指标最低。这些结果表明,食性在4种雀形目鸟类的消化道进化中占有十分重要的地位,由于食性的差异其表现出了不同的消化道形态适应特征:丝光椋鸟、白头鹎及小鹀较长及较重的消化道是对食物质量要求相对较低的适应,而红头长尾山雀消化道较小的重量及较短的长度符合其摄取较高质量食物的要求。