Currently, many vision-based motion capture systems require passive markers attached to key loca- tions on the human body. However, such systems are intrusive with limited application. The algorithm that we use for human motion capture in this paper is based on Markov random field (MRF) and dynamic graph cuts. It takes full account of the impact of 3D reconstruction error and integrates human motion capture and 3D reconstruction into MRF-MAP framework. For more accurate and robust performance, we extend our algorithm by incorporating color constraints into the pose estimation process. The advantages of incorporating color constraints are demonstrated by experimental results on several video sequences.
LI Jia WAN ChengKai ZHANG DianYong MIAO ZhenJiang YUAN BaoZong
Moving object segmentation is one of the most challenging issues in computer vision. In this paper, we propose a new algorithm for static camera foreground segmentation. It combines Gaussian mixture model (GMM) and active contours method, and produces much better results than conventional background subtraction methods. It formulates foreground segmentation as an energy minimization problem and minimizes the energy function using curve evolution method. Our algorithm integrates the GMM background model, shadow elimination term and curve evolution edge stopping term into energy function. It achieves more accurate segmentation than existing methods of the same type. Promising results on real images demonstrate the potential of the presented method.