In this study, a visualization-based experiment was performed to measure the motion of the nanowire under a magnetic field. A simulation method based on a multiple reference flame model (MRF model) was used to calcu- late fluid torque. Here, it was validated with the experimental data and theoretical results. Fluid torque of steady rotated nanowire was simulated and compared using experiment and theoretical models. The unsteady rotated condition was studied using transient simulation to compare with theory and the results showed that the accelera- tion of nanowire did not affect the flow field, indicating that the theoretical models based on the steady condition were still valid. The influence of solid walls on nanowire rotation was also studied here. The results showed that if the nanowire was placed close to the wall, the viscous force of wall would increase the velocity gradient around the nanowire, causing higher torque predictions. The fluid torque decreased quickly when the vertical distance between nanowire and wall exceeded 5 times the diameter of the wire.