We propose an efficient entanglement concentration protocol (ECP) based on electron-spin cluster states assisted with single electrons. In the ECP, we adopt the electron polarization beam splitter (PBS) and the charge detector to construct the quantum nondemolition measurement. According to the result of the measurement of the charge detection, we can ultimately obtain the maximally entangled cluster states. Moreover, the discarded items can be reused in the next round to reach a high success probability. This ECP may be useful in current solid quantum computation.
We present an efficient entanglement concentration protocol(ECP) for the less-entangled W state with some identical conventional polarized single photons.In the protocol,two of the parties say Alice and Charlie should perform the parity check measurements and they can ultimately obtain the maximally entangled W state with a certain success probability.Otherwise,they can obtain another less-entangled W state,which can be reconcentrated into the maximally entangled W state.By iterating this ECP,a high success probability can be achieved.This ECP may be an optimal one and it is useful in current quantum information processing.
We present a highly efficient entanglement concentration protocol (ECP) for a four-electron system in a less-entangled cluster state. In this ECP, we only require one pair of less-entangled electron cluster states and one ancillary electron to complete the task. With the help of the controlled-not (CNOT) gate, the concentrated maximally entangled state can be retained for further application with some success probability. On the other hand, the discarded items can be reused to obtain a high success probability. All the features make this ECP useful in the current quantum information field.
We present an efficient entanglement purification protocol (EPP) with controlled-not (CNOT) gates and linear optics. With the CNOT gates, our EPP can reach a higher fidelity than the conventional one. Moreover, it does not require the fidelity of the initial mixed state to satisfy 1 2. If the initial state is not entangled, it still can be purified. With the linear optics, this protocol can get pure maximally entangled pairs with some probabilities. Meanwhile, it can be used to purify the entanglement between the atomic ensembles in distant locations. This protocol may be useful in long-distance quantum communication.