By the application of the theory of complex functions, asymmetrical dynamic propagation problems on mode Ⅲ interface crack are studied. The universal representations of analytical solutions are obtained by the approaches of self-similar function. The problems researched can be facilely transformed into Riemann-Hilbert problems and analytical solution to an asymmetrical propagation crack under the condition of point loads and unit-step loads, respectively, is acquired. After those solutions were used by superposition theorem, the solutions of arbitrarily complex problems could be attained.
With the theory of complex functions, dynamic propagation problems concerning surfaces of asymmetrical mode Ⅲ crack subjected to moving loads are investigated. General representations of analytical solutions are obtained with self-similar functions. The problems can be easily converted into Riemann-Hilbert problems using this technique. Analytical solutions to stress, displacement and dynamic stress intensity factor under constant and unit-step moving loads on the surfaces of asymmetrical extension crack, respectively, are obtained. By applying these solutions, together with the superposition principle, solutions of discretionarily intricate problems can be found.