利用新一代多普勒雷达产品和地面加密自动站等资料,对2013年8月11—12日发生在滇西高原的一次强降水过程进行分析.结果表明,此次过程是500 h Pa青藏高压和副热带高压之间的两高辐合区及700 h Pa西南气流影响造成;雷达图上,以层状云降水回波为主的混合降水回波,强度未超过40 d Bz;雷达径向速度场存在暖平流加辐合的风场特征;低层长时间持续西南气流以及对流层中上层冷空气的入侵与强降水过程的发生及维持密切相关;利用改善的EVAD方法计算出的散度场和垂直速度场在强降水发生发展的不同时期分布不同,对降水的增强和维持有较好的指示意义.
利用河南濮阳CINRDA/SB多普勒雷达探测资料,结合常规天气图资料、地面自动站资料等,对2011年7月10日发生在河南濮阳的下击暴流天气进行诊断分析。分析表明:此次下击暴流天气以高空快速下滑的低压槽为背景,高空冷空气叠加在低空暖舌之上,使大气具有强烈的层结不稳定。大气环境场呈倒"V"形的垂直温湿分布:云底位于700 h Pa高度,云底以下空气干燥,气温直减率约为9℃/km,接近干绝热气温直减率,有利于干下击暴流的发生。地面辐合线的存在和弱冷空气的侵袭,为强风暴单体的产生提供了动力抬升条件。从多普勒雷达产品上看,风暴初始回波发生在一条稳定的晴空窄带回波上,通过单体间的合并加强,发展成为孤立的多单体强风暴;风暴反射率因子反复在3—6 km高度强烈发展,风暴反射率因子强核高度反复4次快速下降,形成强烈的冷下沉气流,在底层出现强烈的径向辐散风;径向速度图上中层一直存在向着反射率因子核心的辐合特征,这正是下击暴流的风场特征。
Using numerical simulation data of the forward differential propagation shift (ΦDP) of polarimetric radar,the principle and performing steps of noise reduction by wavelet analysis are introduced in detail.Profiting from the multiscale analysis,various types of noises can be identified according to their characteristics in different scales,and suppressed in different resolutions by a penalty threshold strategy through which a fixed threshold value is applied,a default threshold strategy through which the threshold value is determined by the noise intensity,or a ΦDP penalty threshold strategy through which a special value is designed for ΦDP de-noising.Then,a hard-or soft-threshold function,depending on the de-noising purpose,is selected to reconstruct the signal.Combining the three noise suppression strategies and the two signal reconstruction functions,and without loss of generality,two schemes are presented to verify the de-noising effect by dbN wavelets:(1) the penalty threshold strategy with the soft threshold function scheme (PSS); (2) the ΦDP penalty threshold strategy with the soft threshold function scheme (PPSS).Furthermore,the wavelet de-noising is compared with the mean,median,Kalman,and finite impulse response (FIR) methods with simulation data and two actual cases.The results suggest that both of the two schemes perform well,especially when ΦDP data are simultaneously polluted by various scales and types of noises.A slight difference is that the PSS method can retain more detail,and the PPSS can smooth the signal more successfully.
In this paper,a quantitative precipitation estimation based on the hydrometeor classification(HCA-QPE)algorithm was proposed for the first operational S band dual-polarization radar upgraded from the CINRAD/SA radar of China.The HCA-QPE algorithm,localized Colorado State University-Hydrometeor Identification of Rainfall(CSUHIDRO)algorithm,the Joint Polarization Experiment(JPOLE)algorithm,and the dynamic Z-R relationships based on variational correction QPE(DRVC-QPE)algorithm were evaluated with the rainfall events from March 1 to October 30,2017 in Guangdong Province.The results indicated that even though the HCA-QPE algorithm did not use the observed rainfall data for correction,its estimation accuracy was better than that of the DRVC-QPE algorithm when the rainfall rate was greater than 5 mm h-1;and the stronger the rainfall intensity,the greater the QPE improvement.Besides,the HCA-QPE algorithm worked better than the localized CSU-HIDRO and JPOLE algorithms.This study preliminarily evaluated the improved accuracy of QPE by a dual-polarization radar system modified from CINRAD-SA radar.
CHEN ChaoLIU Li-pingHU ShengWU Zhi-fangWU ChongZHANG Yang
通过介绍几种标定C波段偏振雷达差分反射率因子ZDR和水平反射率因子ZH系统误差常用方法的原理,利用两部相同型号的可移式C波段双线偏振雷达(POLC)在云南、安徽等地的观测数据,对这些方法进行了检验和对比分析。结果表明,ZDR的标定方法中,太阳法由于偏振雷达水平与垂直方向两个接收机在较弱的信号下很难保持一致性,目前实际应用比较困难;垂直指向法要求雷达天线必须达到90°仰角,机械上有所制约;仰角法要求探测到非常均匀的雨区,在时间与空间上极难满足;地物引起的ZDR变化,在统计上无任何规律可循,因此,地物法也基本上可以排除应用于实际;干雪的ZDR并不完全等于0 dB,并且需要知道0℃层的高度,0℃层以上满足信噪比(signal to noise ratio,SNR)条件的数据较少,并且水凝物相态难以确定为干雪,因而干雪法有着一定的局限性;微雨滴法理论清晰、结论可信,不需要专门的扫描方式,能够从正常的体扫观测中得到大量的满足SNR、ZH等阈值条件的数据,提供较为准确的ZDR系统误差估计,因此,微雨滴法是一种利用气象目标进行ZDR系统误差估计较好的方法。进一步分析ZH标定的自约束法的结果表明,自约束法能够大致地验证偏振雷达ZH标定是否正确,但是,其用于ZH标定时,对偏振参量数据质量要求较高,并且约束关系的系数也有待进一步验证。