显微结构分析是研究古陶瓷结构和烧制工艺的重要方法。本文选取清凉寺窑汝官瓷样品5片,汝州张公巷窑青瓷样品5片,利用场发射扫描电子显微镜(scanning electron microscope,SEM)观察所选青瓷釉的显微结构,并进一步探讨了两窑的青瓷釉析晶-分相结构,结果表明:清凉寺窑和张公巷窑出土的青瓷釉都具备析晶-分相结构特征,釉的分相结构与钙长石析晶相伴生,分相的形貌有孤立液滴状和三维连通状。从而揭示青瓷釉迷人外观下所隐含的科学规律。
The proton induced X-ray emission (PIXE) is used to determine the chemical ingredients of seven main elements in the samples of Ru Guan porcelain glazes and Ru Civil porcelain from Qingliangsi kiln in Baofeng County and the samples of celadon glaze from Zhanggongxiang kiln in Ruzhou City. The PIXE data are then analyzed by scatter analysis and fuzzy cluster method for determining their classification and provenance. The results show that there are obvious differences between the ingredients of glaze material of Ru Guan porcelain and Ru Civil porcelain from Qingliangsi kiln, of which the former ingredients are stable and its source is localized, and that the sources and ingredients of the glaze of Ru Guan porcelain and those of celadon glaze from Zhanggongxiang kiln are not wholly the same, of which the latter sources are much scattering.
ZHAO Weijuan1, LU Xiaoke1, LI Guoxia1, GUO Min1, XIE Jianzhong1, GAO Zhengyao1, SUN Xinmin2, GUO Musen2, CHENG Huansheng3 & ZHANG Bin3 1. Faculty of Physical Engineering, Zhengzhou University, Zhengzhou 450052, China