Leveraging the newly developed information visualization technology- CiteSpace II,the authors conducted co-citation and cluster analysis to the data gathered from ISI Web of Knowledge.Then,the knowledge map of Bibliometrics’ Development and Research Frontier was created to identify the representative authors,literatures,focal research topics(such as science citation and research output),and reveal the trend of the development of bibliometrics:1) webliometrics is becoming the frontier of bibliometrics;2).the investigation of indicators and the application of the indicators is another major research area for bibliometrics;3) bibliometrics is combining with other disciplines,especially with medical science.This study shows that bibliometrics research is becoming more and more applicationoriented,comprehensive,and web-based.
本文首先对ISI Web of Knowledge数据库中收录的以网络计量学为主题的文献的时空分布进行分析,然后利用信息可视化软件CiteSpace绘制出网络计量学领域的代表人物、代表作品以及核心刊物的知识图谱,并对其进行分析。最后通过检测词频变动趋势显著的主题词,确定出国际网络计量学研究的热点领域和发展趋势,并绘制出国际视野下的网络计量学研究热点与研究前沿的知识图谱。