This study proposes an algorithm of embedding cohesive elements in Abaqus and develops the computer code to model 3D complex cragk propagation in quasi-brittle materials in a relatively easy and efficient manner. The cohesive elements with softening traction-separation relations and damage initiation and evolution laws are embedded between solid elements in regions of interest in the initial mesh to model potential cracks. The initial mesh can consist of tetrahedrons, wedges, bricks or a mixture of these elements. Neither remeshing nor objective crack propagation criteria are needed. Four examples of concrete specimens, including a wedgesplitting test, a notched beam under torsion, a pull-out test of an anchored cylinder and a notched beam under impact, were modelled and analysed. The simulated crack propagation processes and load-displacement curves agreed well with test results or other numerical simulations for all the examples using initial meshes with reasonable densities. Making use of Abaqus's rich pre/post- processing functionalities and powerful standard/explicit solvers, the developed method offers a practical tool for engineering analysts to model complex 3D fracture problems.
The scaled boundary finite element method(SBFEM) is a semi-analytical numerical method,which models an analysis domain by a small number of large-sized subdomains and discretises subdomain boundaries only.In a subdomain,all fields of state variables including displacement,stress,velocity and acceleration are semi-analytical,and the kinetic energy,strain energy and energy error are all integrated semi-analytically.These advantages are taken in this study to develop a posteriori h-hierarchical adaptive SBFEM for transient elastodynamic problems using a mesh refinement procedure which subdivides subdomains.Because only a small number of subdomains are subdivided,mesh refinement is very simple and efficient,and mesh mapping to transfer state variables from an old mesh to a new one is also very simple but accurate.Two 2D examples with stress wave propagation were modelled.The results show that the developed method is capable of capturing propagation of steep stress regions and calculating accurate dynamic responses,using only a fraction of degrees of freedom required by adaptive finite element method.
ZHANG ZiHua 1,2,YANG ZhenJun 2,LIU GuoHua 1 & HU YunJin 1 1 College of Civil Engineering and Architecture,Zhejiang University,Hangzhou 310058,China
The scaled boundary finite element method (SBFEM) is a recently developed numerical method combining advantages of both finite element methods (FEM) and boundary element methods (BEM) and with its own special features as well. One of the most prominent advantages is its capability of calculating stress intensity factors (SIFs) directly from the stress solutions whose singularities at crack tips are analytically represented. This advantage is taken in this study to model static and dynamic fracture problems. For static problems, a remeshing algorithm as simple as used in the BEM is developed while retaining the generality and flexibility of the FEM. Fully-automatic modelling of the mixed-mode crack propagation is then realised by combining the remeshing algorithm with a propagation criterion. For dynamic fracture problems, a newly developed series-increasing solution to the SBFEM governing equations in the frequency domain is applied to calculate dynamic SIFs. Three plane problems are modelled. The numerical results show that the SBFEM can accurately predict static and dynamic SIFs, cracking paths and load-displacement curves, using only a fraction of degrees of freedom generally needed by the traditional finite element methods.