Abstract In this paper, we apply EQ1^rot nonconforming finite element to approximate Signorini problem. If 5 the exact solution u EQ1^rot, the error estimate of order O(h) about the broken energy norm is obtained for quadrilateral meshes satisfying regularity assumption and bi-section condition. Furthermore, the superconver- gence results of order EQ1^rot are derived for rectangular meshes. Numerical results are presented to confirm the considered theory.
A highly efficient H1-Galerkin mixed finite element method (MFEM) is presented with linear triangular element for the parabolic integro-differential equation. Firstly, some new results about the integral estimation and asymptotic expansions are studied. Then, the superconvergence of order O(h^2) for both the original variable u in H1 (Ω) norm and the flux p = u in H(div, Ω) norm is derived through the interpolation post processing technique. Furthermore, with the help of the asymptotic expansions and a suitable auxiliary problem, the extrapolation solutions with accuracy O(h^3) are obtained for the above two variables. Finally, some numerical results are provided to confirm validity of the theoretical analysis and excellent performance of the proposed method.
A modified penalty scheme is discussed for solving the Stokes problem with the Crouzeix-Raviart type nonconforming linear triangular finite element. By the L^2 projection method, the superconvergence results for the velocity and pressure are obtained with a penalty parameter larger than that of the classical penalty scheme. The numerical experiments are carried out to confirm the theoretical results.