By adding an extra term to the Newtonian potential, matter outside the orbit of a star adds to the gravitational acceleration acting on that star. In this work, we solve the Poisson equation for non-Newtonian potentials of a spherically symmetric distribution of mass. We derive equations for calculating the centripetal acceleration and velocity of galactic disk stars that are due to the Newtonian and exponential potentials of the galaxy’s central bulge.
Langevin dynamical simulations are performed to determine the bulk modulus in twodimensional(2D) dusty plasmas from uniform periodic radial compressions. The bulk modulus is calculated directly from its physical definition of the ratio of the internal pressure/stress to the volume strain. Under various conditions, the bulk moduli obtained agree with the previous theoretical derivations from completely different approaches. It is found that the bulk moduli of2D Yukawa solids and liquids are almost independent of the system temperature and the external compressional frequency.
Oscillations due to three different forces in three areas of physics: electrostatic, nuclear, and mechanics, are analyzed. The electrostatic long-range Coulomb force has a different character than the nucleonic short-range Yukawa force. Both are different from the linear Hooke’s force. The equation of motion of each case is solved applying a Computer Algebra System (CAS). It is shown that these oscillations have similarities and differences. Phase diagrams of all three cases are compared.
Measuring the fermion Yukawa coupling constants is important for understanding the origin of the fermion masses and their relationship with spontaneously electroweak symmetry breaking.In contrast,some new physics(NP)models change the Lorentz structure of the Yukawa interactions between standard model(SM)fermions and the SM-like Higgs boson,even in their decoupling limit.Thus,the precise measurement of the fermion Yukawa interactions is a powerful tool of NP searching in the decoupling limit.In this work,we show the possibility of investigating the Lorentz structure of the bottom-quark Yukawa interaction with the 125 GeV SM-like Higgs boson for future e^+e^- colliders.