搜索到558篇“ TORTUOSITY“的相关文章
Insights into adsorbent tortuosity across aqueous adsorption systems
Pore network,pore connectivity,and the resulting effective adsorbate pore diffusivity within an adsorbent are critical physical considerations in mass transport modeling of aqueous adsorption.Tied to these three adsorbent features are the adsorbent tortuosity and tortuosity factor concepts.These concepts encompass the collective hindrance to intra-adsorbent adsorbate transport arising because of a disorderly adsorbent porous topology.It is crucial for materials scientists,chemists,chemical engineers,and water treatment specialists to understand the complex and variable connections among adsorbate chemistry,adsorbent chemistry,adsorbent porosity,pore shape,size,and tortuosity,pore wall effect,adsorbate-adsorbent interactions,and adsorbate-adsorbate interactions in competitively contaminated aqueous environments.Adsorbent tortuosity has been sporadically studied in aqueous adsorption models.Despite the small population of these studies,insightful observations and inferences have been reported.However,as it appears,no review has been published to compile,compare,and contrast these aspects.Hence,this review concisely brings up those observations and interpretations around adsorbent tortuosity for aqueous adsorption systems.The notion of an adsorbent's tortuosity being single-valued is argued to be imprecise.Finally,perspectives are aired on possible research and development directions for elucidating the dynamic attributes of adsorbent tortuosity and applying them in real-scale adsorption-oriented water purification.The data acquired by filling in these research gaps can enable the design of adsorbents more adapted for real-scale water purification.
Ackmez MudhooMarta OteroKhim Hoong Chu
Tortuosity regulation of two-dimensional nanofluidic films for water evaporation-induced electricity generation
Water evaporation-induced electricity generation is a promising technology for renewable energy harvesting.However,the output power of some reported two-dimensional(2D)nanofluidic films is still restricted by the relatively weak water–solid interactions within the tortuous nanochannels.To further enhance the comprehension and utilization of water–solid interactions,it is of utmost importance to conduct an in-depth investigation and propose a regulatory concept encompassing ion transport.Herein,we propose tortuosity regulation of 2D nanofluidic titanium oxide(Ti_(0.87)O_(2))films to optimize the ion transport within the interlayer nanochannel for enhanced efficiency in water evaporation-induced electricity generation for the first time.The significance of tortuosity in ion transport is elucidated by designing three 2D nanofluidic films with different tortuosity.Tortuosity analysis and in situ Raman measurement demonstrate that low tortuosity can facilitate the formation of efficient pathways for hydrated proton transport and promote water–solid interactions.Consequently,devices fabricated with the optimized 2D nanofluidic films exhibited a significantly enhanced output power density of approximately 204.01μW·cm^(−2),far exceeding those prepared by the high-tortuosity 2D nanofluidic films.This work highlights the significance of the construction of low tortuosity channels for 2D nanofluidic films with excellent performance.
Zhihang LiuChao LiuAnqi NiKunpeng MaoLong ChenLiang XueJingwen SunXin WangPan XiongJunwu Zhu
Numerical study on the effective thermal conductivity and thermal tortuosity of porous media with different morphologies
Effective thermal conductivity and thermal tortuosity are crucial parameters for evaluating the effectiveness of heat conduction within porous media.The direct pore-scale numerical simulation method is applied to investigate the heat conduction processes inside porous structures with different morphologies.The thermal conduction performances of idealized porous structures are directly compared with real foams across a wide range of porosity.Real foam structures are reconstructed using X-ray computed tomography and image processing techniques,while Kelvin and Weaire-Phelan structures are generated through periodic unit cell reconstruction.The detailed temperature fields inside the porous structures are determined by solving the heat conduction equation at the pore scale.The results present that the equivalent thermal conductivity of Kelvin and Weaire-Phelan structures is similar to and greater than that of the real foam structure with the same strut porosity.The thermal tortuosity of real foam structure is relatively larger and the heat conduction path becomes straighter by adopting the anisotropic design.The thermal tortuosity of the fluid channels for Kelvin,Weaire-Phelan,and real foam structures is close to one.The thermal conductivity of porous structures with heat transfer fluid increases as the thermal conductivity ratio of fluid to solid becomes larger.A small porosity of porous media leads to a larger equivalent thermal conductivity due to the dominant contribution of porous skeleton in the heat conduction process.Correlations derived from parallel and series models,as well as the Maxwell-Eucken models,provide decent predictions of effective thermal conductivity,with an average error of less than 8%in the entire range of thermal conductivity ratio.
DU ShenLI DongLI Meng-JieHE Ya-Ling
目的:探讨室间隔肥厚型心肌病(HCM)患者中冠状动脉(冠脉)迂曲的发生率及其与不良预后的相关性。方法:本研究为回顾性队列研究。选取2017年12月1日至2021年6月10日在阜外华中心血管病医院和郑州大学人民医院住院的室间隔HCM患者,根据性别、年龄、有无高血压1∶1配对非HCM患者作为对照组。按照有无冠脉迂曲将室间隔HCM组分为冠脉迂曲组和非冠脉迂曲组。比较室间隔HCM组和对照组患者基线临床资料和冠脉造影结果,采用多因素logistic分析导致冠脉迂曲的危险因素。随访室间隔HCM患者至2022年7月1日,主要终点事件是恶性心律失常、缺血性卒中、全因死亡的复合终点,比较冠脉迂曲组和非冠脉迂曲组主要终点事件发病密度,采用Cox风险比例回归模型分析影响室间隔HCM患者终点事件的危险因素。结果:室间隔HCM组和对照组各156例患者,年龄均为(57.0±11.4)岁,两组女性各75例(48.1%)。室间隔HCM组冠脉迂曲发生率高于对照组(63.5%比36.5%, P<0.01),冠脉迂曲评分高于对照组( P<0.01)。多因素logistic回归分析结果显示室间隔HCM是导致冠脉迂曲的危险因素( OR=3.27,95% CI:2.02~5.29, P<0.01)。经过(2.5±1.2)年随访,室间隔HCM患者中,冠脉迂曲组主要终点事件发病密度高于非冠脉迂曲组( P=0.02),冠脉迂曲评分每升高1分增加室间隔HCM患者53%的主要终点事件风险( HR=1.53,95% CI:1.26~1.86, P<0.01)。 结论:室间隔HCM患者易伴发冠脉迂曲,且程度更重;冠脉迂曲是室间隔HCM患者出现不良事件的危险因素。
Effects of grain's shape-and size-polydispersities,orientation,and area fraction on tortuosity and permeability of 2D granular media
The microstructure of granular media, including grain's shape- and size-polydispersities, orientation, and area fraction can potentially affect its permeability. However, few studies consider the coupling effects of these features. This work employs geometrical probability and stereology to establish quantitative relationships between the above microstructural features and the geometric tortuosity of the two-dimensional granular media containing superellipse, superoval, and polygon grains. Then the lattice Boltzmann method (LBM) is used to determine the permeabilities of these granular media. By combining the tortuosity model and the LBM-derived permeabilities, modified K–C equations are formulated to predict the permeability and the shape factor, considering the grain's shape- and size-polydispersities, orientation, and area fraction. The reliability of these methods can be verified by comparing them with both our simulations and available experimental, theoretical, and numerical data reported in the literature. The findings implicate that the tortuosity and permeability of the granular media are strongly correlated with the grain's shape, orientation, and area fraction but unaffected by the size polydispersity and spatial arrangement of grains. Only circularity is not enough to derive a unified formula for considering the impact of grain shape on tortuosity and permeability, other shape parameters need to be explored in the future.
Ke CaoHuisu ChenMohammad Iqbal KhanMingqi LiLin Liu
为了探究浆液扩散路径迂曲度对盾构隧道管片注浆效果的影响,以幂律浆液为对象,建立了考虑扩散路径迂曲度的盾构隧道管片注浆渗透扩散模型;分析了注浆时间、终止注浆压力和注浆速率对浆液扩散半径和管片所受压力的影响。最后,利用MATLAB与COMSOL Multiphysics软件,开发得到考虑扩散路径迂曲度的幂律浆液渗透扩散数值模拟程序,实现了盾构隧道管片注浆效果的可视化。研究结果表明:在其他参数不变时,终止注浆压力增大,则浆液扩散半径和管片所受压力均增大;随着注浆速率的不断增大,浆液扩散半径和管片所受压力先增大后减小。考虑浆液扩散路径迂曲度后,浆液扩散半径和浆液对管片的压力值较不考虑扩散路径迂曲度时减小,且随着终止注浆压力和注浆速率的增大,扩散路径迂曲度对扩散半径和管片所受压力的影响更加明显。
目的 探讨椎-基底动脉迂曲与老年血管源性头晕/眩晕脑梗死的关系。方法 选取2022年1月至2023年10月太原西山医院神经内科住院的老年血管源性头晕/眩晕脑梗死患者160例,根据头颅磁共振血管成像检查是否存在椎-基底动脉异常将其分为迂曲组和非迂曲组,每组各80例。比较两组患者的一般临床资料、血管病危险因素、美国国立卫生研究院卒中量表扩展版(expanded-National Institutes of Health stroke scale,e-NIHSS)评分。迂曲组根据椎-基底动脉形态又分为单纯异常组和混合异常组,分析对相关脑梗死的影响程度。结果 迂曲组患者的高血压、椎动脉优势、吸烟史的比例和e-NIHSS评分均显著高于非迂曲组(P<0.05)。多因素Logistic回归分析结果显示,高血压病史、椎动脉优势、吸烟史均是伴有椎-基底动脉异常老年血管源性头晕/眩晕脑梗死患者的独立危险因素(P<0.05)。单纯异常组中54.3%为中重度脑卒中患者,混合异常组中58.8%为中重度脑卒中患者,两组比较差异无统计学意义(χ^(2)=0.029,P=0.864)。结论 高血压病史、椎动脉优势、吸烟史是伴有椎-基底动脉迂曲的老年血管源性头晕/眩晕脑梗死的独立危险因素,此类患者神经功能缺损评分更高。


研究主题:有限元分析 3D打印 磨损 眼科 生物模式
研究主题:多孔材料 孔结构 金属间化合物 纳米晶 FEAL
研究主题:TIAL基合金 显微组织 多孔材料 金属间化合物 力学性能
研究主题:颈动脉狭窄 血管内治疗 颅内动脉瘤 微小动脉瘤 血管成形术
研究主题:陶瓷膜 膜分离 无机膜 分子筛膜 膜反应器