为研究分析实施轨道交通预约进站机制对乘客出行效率的影响,通过对乘客乘坐轨道交通全过程进行仿真推演,选取北京轨道交通早高峰时段预约进站试点沙河站所在线路——昌平线作为研究对象,通过获取自动售检票(automatic fare collection, AFC)刷卡数据和列车运行方案对其进行实例分析。结果表明,相较于常规排队进站方式,预约进站机制可有效减少乘客的站外排队时间,并且随着预约人数占所有进站乘客数比例的增加,乘客站外等待时间减少效果更加显著;同时可提高相应列车的区间满载率,这是由于将部分在站外等待的乘客调整至其他时段进站,提高了列车资源利用率,在一定程度上分散乘客需求,但前提是部分乘客的出行习惯将被改变。仿真结果可为各大城市轨道交通车站实施更大规模的预约进站机制提供理论支持。
The research study was conducted to assess and quantify the current status of avifauna biodiversity assets of Aurora State College of Technology’s Forest Reservation in Baler, Aurora, Philippines. Assessment of avifaunal diversity was undertaken by traversing the four established circular plots having a radius of 125 meters or 250 meters diameters each as permanent monitoring stations. Study revealed a total number of 151 Individual species, classified into 23 genera and 21 families. Eighteen of these species are endemic while the remaining five were fully migrated birds. All birds observed were classified as Least Concern (LC) species according to the International Union for Conservation of Nature’s Red List of Threatened Species and the updated list of the Birds of the World online. Its abundance, richness and diversity index were calculated using Shannon Diversity Index (H') while Pielou’s evenness (J') for distribution of species. Forest reservation of ASCOT has more even (0.756 J') and moderate diversity (2.812 H') observation on avifauna in general. However, this avian population evaluation was threatened into a verge of extinction due to natural and anthropological threats that causes forest deforestation. Such deforestation of habitat causes dwindling of wildlife territory leading to the scarcity of bird’s population. Thus, the assessment was conducted to aid ASCOT administration find significant plans to ensure sustainable conservation and protection of the remaining avifauna species in the reservation area.
Afed S. DaiweyHeherson B. OngEmerson V. BarcellanoEdmundo C. GumpalMichelle Ann M. CalubaquibRafael J. Padre