The findings of a study to ascertain and assess the petrophysical characteristics of Cape Three Points reservoirs in the Western basin with a view to describe the reservoir quantitatively using Well Logs, Petrel and Techlog. The investigated characteristics, which were all deduced from geophysical wire-line logs, include lithology, porosity, permeability, fluid saturation, and net to gross thickness. To characterise the reservoir on the field, a suite of wire-line logs including gamma ray, resistivity, spontaneous potential, and density logs for three wells (WELL_1X, WELL_2X, and WELL_3X) from the Tano Cape Three Point basin were studied. The analyses that were done included lithology delineation, reservoir identification, and petrophysical parameter determination for the identified reservoirs. The tops and bases of the three wells analysed were marked at a depth of 1203.06 - 2015.64 m, 3863.03 - 4253.85 m and 2497.38 - 2560.32 m respectively. There were no hydrocarbons in the reservoirs from the studies. The petrophysical parameters computed for each reservoir provided porosities of 13%, 3% and 11% respectively. The water saturation also determined for these three wells (WELL_1X, WELL_2X and WELL_3X) were 94%, 95% and 89% respectively. These results together with the behaviour of the density and neutron logs suggested that these wells are wildcat wells.
Exceptional points(EPs),singularities of non-Hermitian systems,often exhibit exotic behaviors by engineering the balance between the system gain and loss.Now,EPs have been demonstrated to enable unidirectional perfect absorption/reflection at the visible light spectrum.
The inflection point is an important feature of sigmoidal height-diameter(H-D)models.It is often cited as one of the properties favoring sigmoidal model forms.However,there are very few studies analyzing the inflection points of H-D models.The goals of this study were to theoretically and empirically examine the behaviors of inflection points of six common H-D models with a regional dataset.The six models were the Wykoff(WYK),Schumacher(SCH),Curtis(CUR),HossfeldⅣ(HOS),von Bertalanffy-Richards(VBR),and Gompertz(GPZ)models.The models were first fitted in their base forms with tree species as random effects and were then expanded to include functional traits and spatial distribution.The distributions of the estimated inflection points were similar between the two-parameter models WYK,SCH,and CUR,but were different between the threeparameter models HOS,VBR,and GPZ.GPZ produced some of the largest inflection points.HOS and VBR produced concave H-D curves without inflection points for 12.7%and 39.7%of the tree species.Evergreen species or decreasing shade tolerance resulted in larger inflection points.The trends in the estimated inflection points of HOS and VBR were entirely opposite across the landscape.Furthermore,HOS could produce concave H-D curves for portions of the landscape.Based on the studied behaviors,the choice between two-parameter models may not matter.We recommend comparing seve ral three-parameter model forms for consistency in estimated inflection points before deciding on one.Believing sigmoidal models to have inflection points does not necessarily mean that they will produce fitted curves with one.Our study highlights the need to integrate analysis of inflection points into modeling H-D relationships.
Exceptional points(EPs)have recently emerged as a new method for engineering the response of open physical systems,that is,systems that interact with the environment.The systems at the EPs exhibit a strong response to a small perturbation.Here,we show a method by which the sensitivity of silicon resonant sensors can be enhanced when operated at EPs.In our experiments,we use a pair of mechanically coupled silicon micromechanical resonators constituting a parity-time(PT)-symmetric dimer.Small perturbations introduced on the mechanically coupled spring cause the frequency to split from the EPs into the PT-symmetric regime without broadening the two spectrum linewidths,and this frequency splitting scales with the square root of the perturbation strength.The overall signal-tonoise ratio is still greatly enhanced,although the measured noise spectral density of the EP sensing scheme has a slight increase comparable to the traditional counterpart.Our results pave the way for resonant sensors with ultrahigh sensitivity.