1.Fluid metasomatism in subduction zones Subduction zones are the key tectonic setting that links Earth's surficial sphere to deep sphere(Zheng and Chen,2016).Fluid action occurring in subduction zones is closely related to many important geological processes such as volcanic and seismic activity,the migration,enrichment and mineralization of metallogenic elements,mass transport and crust-mantle material cycling,and the evolution of Earth's surface environment.Therefore,it is of great significance to study the sources,properties and geochemical effects of subduction zone fluids(Zheng,2019).
The post-collisional Cenozoic basic volcanic rocks in NE Turkey show temporal variations in whole-rock lithophile element and highly siderophile element(HSE)systematics that are mainly associated with the nature of sub-continental lithospheric mantle(SCLM)sources and parental melt generation.So far,the traditional whole-rock lithophile geochemical data of these basic volcanic rocks have provided important constraints on the nature of SCLM sources.Integrated lithophile element and HSE geochemical data of these basic volcanic rocks also reveal the heterogeneity of the SCLM source,which is principally related to variable metasomatism resulting from previous subduction(s)and post-collisional mantle-crust interactions in an extensional setting.Lithophile element geochemical features suggest that the parental magmas have derived from metasomatized spinel-to garnet-bearing SCLM sources for Eocene and Miocene basic volcanic rocks with subduction signatures whereas originated from spinel-to garnet-bearing SCLM sources for Mio-Pliocene and Plio-Quaternary basaltic volcanic rocks without the subduction signature.Lithophile element and HSE geo-chemistry also reveal that Eocene and Miocene basic vol-canic rocks were affected by more pronounced crustal contamination than the basaltic volcanic rocks of Mio-Pliocene and Quaternary.Furthermore,the integrated lithophile element and HSE compositions of these basic volcanic rocks,together with the regional asymmetric lithospheric delamination model,reveal that the compositional variation(especially due to metasomatism)was significant temporally in the heterogeneity of the SCLM sources from which parental magmas formed during the Cenozoic era.
Exploitable or potentially exploitable deposits of critical metals,such as rare-earth(REE)and high-field-strength elements(HFSE),are commonly associated with alkaline or peralkaline igneous rocks.However,the origin,transport and concentration of these metals in peralkaline systems remains poorly understood.This study presents the results of a mineralogical and geochemical investigation of the Na-metasomatism of alkali amphiboles and clinopyroxenes from a barren peralkaline granite pluton in NE China,to assess the remobilization and redistribution of REE and HFSE during magmatic-hydrothermal evolution.Alkali amphiboles and aegirine-augites from the peralkaline granites show evolutionary trends from sodic-calcic to sodic compositions,with increasing REE and HFSE concentrations as a function of increasing Na-index[Na^(#),defined as molar Na/(Na+Ca)ratios].The Na-amphiboles(i.e.,arfvedsonite)and aegirine-augites can be subsequently altered,or breakdown,to form hydrothermal aegirine during late-or post-magmatic alteration.Representative compositions analyzed by insitu LA-ICPMS show that the primary aegirine-augites have high and variable REE(2194-3627 ppm)and HFSE(4194-16,862 ppm)contents,suggesting that these critical metals can be scavenged by alkali amphiboles and aegirine-augites.Compared to the primary aegirine-augites,the presentative early replacement aegirine(Aeg-I,Na^(#)=0.91-0.94)has notably lower REE(1484-1972)and HFSE(4351-5621)contents.In contrast,the late hydrothermal aegirine(Aeg-II,Na^(#)=0.92-0.96)has significantly lower REE(317-456 ppm)and HFSE(6.44-72.2 ppm)contents.Given that the increasing Na^(#)from aegirine-augites to hydrothermal aegirines likely resulted from Na-metasomatism,a scavenging-release model can explain the remobilization of REE and HFSE in peralkaline granitic systems.The scavenging and release of REE and HFSE by Na-metasomatism provides key insights into the genesis of globally significant REE and HFSE deposits.The high Na-index of the hydrothermal aegirine might be useful as a geo
Hydrous Cr-bearing uvarovite garnets are rare in natural occurrences and belong to the ugrandite series and exist in binary solid solutions with grossular and andradite garnets. Here, we report the occurrence of hydrous uvarovite garnet having Cr_(2)O_(3) upto 19.66 wt% and CaO of 32.12–35.14 wt% in the serpentinized mantle peridotites of Naga Hills Ophiolite(NHO), India. They occur in association with low-Cr diopsides. They are enriched in LILE(Ba, Sr), LREEs, with fractionating LREE-MREE [avg.(La/Sm)_(N) = 2.16] with flat MREE/HREE patterns [avg.(Sm/Yb)_(N) = 0.95]. Raman spectra indicate the presence of hydroxyl(OH^(–)) peaks from 3500 to 3700 cm^(-1). Relative abundances in fluid mobile elements and their close association with clinopyroxenes are suggestive of the formation of uvarovite garnets through low temperature metasomatic alteration of low-Cr diopsides by hydrothermal slab fluids. The high LREE concentration and absence of Eu anomaly in the garnet further attest to alkaline nature of the transporting slab dehydrated fluid rather the involvement of low-p H solution. The chemical characteristics of the hydroxyl bearing uvarovite hosted by the mantle peridotite of NHO deviate from the classical features of uvarovite garnet, and their origin is attributed to the fluid-induced metasomatism of the sub arc mantle wedge in a suprasubduction zone regime.