The geological and geographical position of the Northwest Himalayas makes it a vulnerable area for mass movements particularly landslides and debris flows. Mass movements have had a substantial impact on the study area which is extending along Karakorum Highway(KKH) from Besham to Chilas. Intense seismicity, deep gorges, steep terrain and extreme climatic events trigger multiple mountain hazards along the KKH, among which debris flow is recognized as the most destructive geohazard. This study aims to prepare a field-based debris flow inventory map at a regional scale along a 200 km stretch from Besham to Chilas. A total of 117 debris flows were identified in the field, and subsequently, a point-based debris-flow inventory and catchment delineation were performed through Arc GIS analysis. Regional scale debris flow susceptibility and propagation maps were prepared using Weighted Overlay Method(WOM) and Flow-R technique sequentially. Predisposing factors include slope, slope aspect, elevation, Topographic Roughness Index(TRI), Topographic Wetness Index(TWI), stream buffer, distance to faults, lithology rainfall, curvature, and collapsed material layer. The dataset was randomly divided into training data(75%) and validation data(25%). Results were validated through the Receiver Operator Characteristics(ROC) curve. Results show that Area Under the Curve(AUC) using WOM model is 79.2%. Flow-R propagation of debris flow shows that the 13.15%, 22.94%, and 63.91% areas are very high, high, and low susceptible to debris flow respectively. The propagation predicated by Flow-R validates the naturally occurring debris flow propagation as observed in the field surveys. The output of this research will provide valuable input to the decision makers for the site selection, designing of the prevention system, and for the protection of current infrastructure.
Hamza DAUDJaved Iqbal TANOLISardar Muhammad ASIFMuhammad QASIMMuhammad ALIJunaid KHANZahid Imran BHATTIIshtiaq Ahmad Khan JADOON
Nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NADH/NAD+) is involved in important biochemical reactions in human metabolism, including participation in energy production by mitochondria. The changes in fluorescence intensity as a function of time in response to blocking and releasing of blood flow in a forearm are used as a measure of oxygen transport with blood to the tissue, which directly correlates with the skin microcirculation status. In this paper, a non-invasive dynamic monitoring system based on blood flow-mediated skin fluorescence (FMSF) technology is developed to monitor the NADH fluorescence intensity of skin tissue during the process of blocking reactive hyperemia. Simultaneously, laser speckle contrast imaging (LSCI) and laser Doppler flowmetry (LDF) were used to observe blood flow, blood oxygen saturation (SOt2) and relative amount of hemoglobin (rHb) during the measurement process, which helped to explore NADH dynamics relevant physiological changes. A variety of parameters have been derived to describe NADH fluorescence curve based on the FMSF device. The experimental results are conducive to understanding the NADH measurement and the physiological processes related to it, which help FMSF to be a great avenue for in vivo physiological, clinical and pharmacological research on mitochondrial metabolism.