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Impact of Climate Change on Mountaineering Activities in Haba Snow Mountain Reserve and the Development of Surrounding Communities
In the context of global climate change, this study reviews and discusses the three aspects of ecology, economic development of surrounding communities, ecological balance and snow mountain activities in the Haba Snow Mountain Reserve through literature collation and research. 1) The Hengduan Mountain Plate of Haba Snow Mountain is affected by the high altitude temperate monsoon and is sensitive to climate change. There has been continuous glacier melting and snow line fluctuations. Although there is no forest line movement, the vegetation at the junction of the forest line has increased. 2) Human activities in the Haba Snow Mountain Reserve have shown an active trend, and the Biomass in various ecosystems in the region is inversely correlated. 3) Climate change will have a negative impact on landscape attraction and tourism safety in snowy mountain areas. 4) Haba Snow Mountain Reserve needs more perfect biological species statistical research and dynamic vegetation research to support the establishment of a perfect ecological protection strategy and ecological early warning in the region. 5) As the frequency of tourist activities in the Haba Protected Area increases, corresponding environmental protection signage, garbage cleaning methods, and tourist education have not been synchronizedly improved.
Chen Cao
Evaluating the Impacts of Human Activities on Diversity, Abundance, and Distribution of Large Mammals in Nimule National Park, South Sudan
Globally, human activities have a significant impact on the diversity, abundance, and distribution of large mammals in Protected Areas (PAs). These disturbances increase human pressure on biodiversity and species habitats, highlighting the need for conservation. This study aimed to assess the abundance and distribution of large mammals in different habitat types within Nimule National Park (NNP) and understand the impacts of human activities on them. Data on the abundance and distribution of large mammals and their respective habitat types were collected through line transect surveys. Human activity signs were observed and recorded along the transect lines. To estimate the impacts of human activities on the diversity, abundance, and distribution of large mammal species, as well as to identify any significant differences between them and their habitat types, the study utilized the Kruskal Wallis test, Polynomial multiple regressions, and diversity indices. The findings from the Shannon-Weiner and Simpson indices indicated that large mammal species were more diverse inside the park (H’ = 1.136;D = 0.570) compared to the buffer zone (H’ = 0.413;D = 0.171), with 85% (443 out of 510 samples) recorded within Nimule National Park. The species abundance showed a semi-balanced status (0.58). The diversity results among different habitat types revealed that large mammals were more diverse and highly distributed in both open woodlands (244) and dense woodlands (192), while riverine vegetation had the lowest diversity (8). Statistical tests demonstrated a highly significant difference at a 99% confidence interval (p-value = 0.01) between habitat types and identified species of large mammals. Additionally, the results highlighted the high abundance of Uganda kob (274), baboons (141), and warthog (57) across most habitat types, accounting for at least 75% of their distribution. The most prevalent human activities observed were cattle footprints (27%) and cattle dung (14%). Human footprints and tree cutting combined accoun
Abdallah Gordon ShazaliJoseph Mayindo MayeleJoel Emmanuel SaburiJubara Nadlin
Review of Two Years of Surgical Activities of the General Surgery Department of the Reference Health Center of Commune I of Bamako Mali
The objectives of this work were to evaluate the surgical activities carried out in the general surgery department of the Reference Health Center of Commune I of Bamako, to describe the sociodemographic characteristics of the operated patients, to determine the main pathologies encountered and to evaluate qualitatively the result of the treatment. In order to improve performance, and the quality of care, and to identify common pathologies in the surgical department, we undertook a retrospective study on surgical activities from January 2009 to December 2010. At the end of this study, out of 474 men and 187 women (equal sex ratio 2.53);we were able to determine the frequency of surgical pathologies. Farmers, housewives and pupils/students were the most represented with 25.9% respectively;20% and 13.3%. The most frequently observed pathologies were wall hernia (44.8%), prostate adenoma (12%) and acute appendicitis (10.5%). The average length of hospitalization was 3.43 days. Infectious complications affected 25 patients (3.8% of cases) and a death rate of 0.45% (i.e. 3 patients). The average cost of care was 53,500 FCFA. Indeed, the reality of surgical practice in health centers was not the same because of the level of skills of practicing surgeons.
Tounkara CheicknaCisse Amadou BeydiSamake HamidouDiarra IssakaSanogo ModiboDiarra BogobaDoumbia SeydouYena Sadio
Impacts of Human Activities and Season on Species Diversity and Abundance of Butterflies in Mpanga Kipengere Game Reserve and Surrounding Farmlands, Tanzania
Maintaining natural habitats is crucial for the preservation of insects and other species that indicate environmental changes. However, the Mpanga/Kipengere Game Reserve and its surrounding farmlands are facing disturbance due to human activities, which is putting many wildlife species, particularly larger mammals, at risk. To determine the impact of human activities on butterfly species diversity and abundance in the reserve and its surrounding areas, we conducted a study from November 2021 to October 2023. We collected butterfly data using transect walks and baited traps in two habitat types. Our study yielded 2799 butterfly Individuals ranging in 124 species divided into five families habitat, season, and anthropogenic factors are significant environmental variables influencing species diversity and abundance of butterflies. Therefore, it’s important to protect habitat and dry-season water for the conservation of invertebrates such as butterflies. Our study findings provide essential information for ecological monitoring and future assessment of the Mpanga/Kipengere Game Reserve ecosystem health.
Privatus M. KasisiNsajigwa MbijePaul Lyimo
Quantification of Total Phenols, Total Flavonoids, Total Anthocyanins and Evaluation of Antioxidant and Antiradical Activities of Detarium Senegalense Extracts from Chad
The aim of the present work is to assess the value of Detarium Senegalense by determining the content of total phenols, total flavonoids and total anthocyanins, and by evaluating the free radical scavenging activity of Detarium Senegalense extracts. For this purpose, sequential extraction using solvents of increasing polarity was essential. The various extracts obtained underwent phytochemical and biochemical analyses. Phytochemical screening revealed the presence of flavonoids, alkaloids, tannins, polyphenols, anthocyanins and steroids/terpenes. Quantitative analysis of total polyphenols, total flavonoids and total anthocyanins yielded the following results: total flavonoids (0.803 ± 0029 mg EQ/100g P for acetone extract of roots and 0.871 ± 0.401 mg EQ/100g P for methanol extract of leaves);total polyphenols (23.298 ± 12.68 mg EAG/100g P for acetone extract of roots and 24.69 ± 0.49 401 mg EAG/100g P for methanol extract of leaves);total monomeric anthocyanins (44.697 ± 0.939 mg EC3G/100g P and 16.699 ± 0.193 mg EC3G/100g P respectively for acetone and methanol extracts of stem bark). DPPH free radical scavenging activity was 1.674 ± 0.023 mg/mL for the acetone extract and 0.934 ± 0.24 mg/mL for the methanol extract of roots. .
Salomon Madjitoloum BetoloumSéverin MbaihougadobeAbel MbaiogaouDjibrine Adoum OumarMbaindiguim DagotoYaya Mahmout
Gross Alpha and Beta Activities and Related Lifetime Risks Assessment Due to Ingestion of Drinking Water from Different Sources in the District of Abidjan, Cote d’Ivoire
Drinking good quality water is essential for better health. It is therefore essential to assess the radiological quality of all water consumed in the District of Abidjan in order to prevent related hazards. Thus, the objective of this study was to assess the risk of cancer due to the ingestion of alpha and beta emitting radionuclides in the different types of water consumed in the region. A total of 63 water samples with 43 tap water samples, 5 bottled mineral water and 15 sachet water samples was collected and taken to GAEC laboratory for analysis. The low background Gas-less Automatic Alpha/Beta counting system (Canberra iMaticTM) was used to determine alpha and beta activity concentrations. Activity concentrations of both gross alpha and gross beta obtained in water sample were respectively lower than the WHO recommended limits of 0.1 Bq/l and 1 Bq/l. Also, the annual effective dose and total equivalent effective dose found in mineral bottled water samples were higher than in other types of water. The assessment of radiological lifetime risk has shown values of cancer risk due to ingestion alpha and beta emitters lower than recommended limit. These results indicate that there is no health hazard associated to consumption of water in the District of Abidjan.
Ponaho Claude KezoIssa KonateDabo Salif Ignace Agba
Improvement of Activities of Daily Living (ADL) for Patients Treated in Skilled Nursing Facilities (SNFs)
Background: Self-care tasks or activities of daily living (ADL)’s performance are often disrupted after an older adult sustains an injury or illness, which can be a determining factor for discharge placement after hospitalization, or it can determine the level of assistance required after discharge from a skilled nursing facility (SNF). We believe that comprehensive rehabilitation can improve a patient’s overall functioning during their short term stay in SNFs. The purpose of this study is to determine if an individual’s level of independence improved after admission to a skilled nursing facility and procurement of rehabilitation services. Methods: This study retrospectively reviewed 4612 nursing home patients in California who underwent rehabilitative services at skilled nursing facilities to determine how the patients responded to their environments, therapy interventions, and any other additional supportive measures. The records of patients who were admitted for short-term rehabilitation were reviewed in a blinded fashion, looking specifically at Section GG of the Minimum Data Set (MDS). Self-Care Section GG scores recorded by rehabilitative staff provide objective data and measure patients’ levels of assistance that were required. Each activity is scored from 1, being completely dependent, to 6, being entirely independent, with varying levels of assistance with scores in between. The admission scores versus the discharge scores can be compared to determine if a patient improved their level of functioning upon discharge. Results: Utilizing the Pearson’s correlation coefficient, a strong correlation of improvement in ADL performance on Section GG between the admission and discharge scores was identified, implying significant improvement in functional independence upon discharge. The average percent improvement for Managed Care patients was ~35.4% and ~39.4% for Medicare patients. Conclusions: The results support the benefits of rehabilitation services in skilled nursing facilities, and the data sugges
Jaden A. SilverSean R. Silver
2024 Adult Compendium of Physical Activities:A third update of the energy costs of human activities被引量:7
Background:The Compendium of Physical Activities was published in 1993 to improve the comparability of energy expenditure values assigned to self-reported physical activity(PA)across studies.The original version was updated in 2000,and again in 2011,and has been widely used to support PA research,practice,and public health guidelines.Methods:This 2024 update was tailored for adults 19-59 years of age by removing data from those≥60 years.Using a systematic review and supplementary searches,we identified new activities and their associated measured metabolic equivalent(MET)values(using indirect calorimetry)published since 2011.We replaced estimated METs with measured values when possible.Results:We screened 32,173 abstracts and 1507 full-text papers and extracted 2356 PA energy expenditure values from 701 papers.We added303 new PAs and adjusted 176 existing MET values and descriptions to reflect the addition of new data and removal of METs for older adults.We added a Major Heading(Video Games).The 2024 Adult Compendium includes 1114 PAs(912 with measured and 202 with estimated values)across 22 Major Headings.Conclusion:This comprehensive update and refinement led to the creation of The 2024 Adult Compendium,which has utility across research,public health,education,and healthcare domains,as well as in the development of consumer health technologies.The new website with the complete lists of PAs and supporting resources is available at https://pacompendium.com.
Stephen D.HerrmannErik A.WillisBarbara E.AinsworthTiago V.BarreiraMary HastertChelsea L.KrachtJohn M.Schuna Jr.Zhenghui CaiMinghui QuanCatrine Tudor-LockeMelicia C.Whitt-GloverDavid R.Jacobs Jr.
Straw addition increases enzyme activities and microbial carbon metabolism activities in bauxite residue被引量:1
Recovery of microbial functions is one of the critical processes in the nutrient cycling of bauxite residue for improving revegetation.Straw is considered to be effective to increase microbial diversity and drive the development of the microbial community,but its effect on microbial carbon metabolism has not been illustrated.The present study evaluated the effects of phosphogypsum(PG),straw(SF)and phosphogypsum plus straw(PGSF)on physicochemical properties,enzyme activities,and microbial carbon metabolism activities in bauxite residue.After 180 days incubation,PG,SF and PGSF treatment significantly reduced the residue pH from 10.85 to 8.64,9.39 and 8.06,respectively.Compared to CK treatment,SF treatment significantly increased the content of total organic carbon(TOC)and organic carbon fractions(DOC,MBC,EOC,and POC).In addition,straw addition significantly increased glucosidase,cellulose,urease,and alkaline phosphatase by 7.2-9.1 times,5.8-7.1 times,11.1-12.5 times,and 1.1-2.2 times,respectively.The Biolog results showed that straw addition significantly increased microbial metabolic activity(AWCD)and diversity in bauxite residue.Redundancy analysis indicated total nitrogen(TN)and carbon fractions(POC,MBC and DOC)were the most important environmental factors affecting microbial metabolic activity and diversity in bauxite residue.These findings provided us with a biogeochemical perspective to reveal soil formation in bauxite residue and suggested that nutrient supplement and regulation of salinity-alkalinity benefit the establishment of microbial communities and functions in bauxite residue.
Hao WuWei SunFeng ZhuYifan JiangShiwei HuangJohnvie GoloranShengguo Xue


研究主题:爪鲵 组织学 胚后发育 中华蟾蜍 野外生存
研究主题:阻燃剂 捕收剂 皂素 大环配合物 磷
研究主题:东北小鲵 组织学 两栖动物 肝脏 除草剂