为深入了解我国碳金融法律制度的现状、挖掘存在问题的深层次原因,本文将聚焦于碳排放和碳交易制度、金融机构支持碳金融发展、企业参与碳金融发展,以及碳金融监管等多个方面。通过这一过程,旨在为我国在碳金融法律制度建设明确方向,使其在全球碳金融舞台上发挥引领和协同的作用,以期为我国碳金融市场的健康发展提供有益参考,在实现“双碳”目标(即2030年前碳达峰和2060年前碳中和)的过程中,逐步构建起一套较为完善的碳金融市场体系。In order to gain a deeper understanding of the current status of China’s carbon finance legal system and explore the underlying reasons for existing problems, this article will focus on multiple aspects such as carbon emissions and carbon trading systems, financial institutions’ support for carbon finance development, enterprise participation in carbon finance development, and carbon finance regulation. Through this process, the aim is to clarify the direction of China’s carbon finance legal system construction, enabling it to play a leading and collaborative role on the global carbon finance stage, in order to provide useful references for the healthy development of China’s carbon finance market, and gradually build a relatively complete carbon finance market system in the process of achieving the “dual carbon” goals (i.e. peak carbon emissions before 2030 and carbon neutrality before 2060).