2023年6月,教育部公布了全国高等学校名单,截止2023年6月15日,全国高等学校共计3072所,其中高等职业院校共计1545所,招生人数538.98万人。由此可见,高职院校在我国高等教育中占据了非常重要的比重。伴随着依法治国方针的开展,在公民基本素质方面,国家提出的要求比以往更为严格,法制教育作为公民基本素质的重要组成部分之一,也得到空前的重视。一方面,高职院校的学生在高等教育中占据很大的比例,另一方面,高职院校的学生作为社会主义的建设者和接班人,肩负着重要的任务,因此,高职院校学生的法制教育问题就显得尤为重要。但在我们国家,由于生源等各种问题的影响,高职学生的法制教育出现了各种各样尚未解决的问题,导致学生在校期间甚至是毕业后出现了欠缺法律意识的问题。为了更加准确地了解目前高职院校法制教育的现状,本文以兰州市职教园区五所高职院校为调查对象,力图以个案为例,总价出目前职业院校存在的普遍问题并在此基础上分析原因,并尝试根据分析结果找出一些解决策略。In June 2023, the Ministry of Education announced the list of national higher education institutions. As of June 15, 2023, there were a total of 3072 higher education institutions in China, including 1545 higher vocational colleges with a total enrollment of 5.3898 million students. It can be seen that vocational colleges occupy a very important proportion in China’s higher education. With the implementation of the principle of governing the country according to law, the requirements put forward by the state in terms of the basic qualities of citizens are more stringent than before. As an important component of the basic qualities of citizens, legal education has also received unprecedented attention. On the one hand, students in vocational colleges account for a large proportion in higher education. On the other hand, as builders and success